KYCOM 19 th school of Osteopathic medicine in the country Located in Central Appalachia in Eastern Kentucky Surrounded by hills and valleys Isolated, rural region Rates higher than state and national levels for unemployment, work disability, poverty, Medicaid, uninsured and mortality for all ages Mission of KYCOM is to serve the people of this area – Bringing Medicine to the Mountains
Pike County: “At risk” Economic status
Hillbilly Days
KYCOM- Coal Building Started classes in the new building for 2012 academic year Along with increased class size 85 to 135 Academic year of 2016: University of Pikeville will be opening an optometry school Interprofessional Experiences: have a clinical scenario and work as a team with pharmacy, nursing, and social work students
Membership Fourth year – 20 Third year – 35 Second year – 35 Total : 90 members!
Sigma Sigma Phi at KYCOM Each member in the Sigma chapter is required to maintain above average academic scholarship in addition to completion of 30 hours of community service a year. We encourage each of our members to achieve a T.O.U.C.H. pin, signifying 50 hours of community service.
Graduation 2014 Hosted a luncheon for all graduating SSP members Sold roses at graduation as fundraiser
Relay for Life Tie-dying shirts Cornhole Tournament Bake Sale
Medical Mission Trip Batey Nueve, D.R. KYCOM students helped raise enough money to send students to a small town in the Dominican Republic Collected pharmaceuticals and medical equipment in order to set up a clinic and pharmacy in the community
Walk to End Alzheimer’s Raised funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s research Hosted a speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association to educate students on how to better care for patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s
Zombie Run Appalachian SPCA 5k run/walk Help raise money for our local animal shelter
Plans for Soup Kitchen volunteers – November/December 2014 – plan to partner with Rotaract club in serving a local shelter Chapter Fundraiser – KYCOM Snuggies New member induction - March 2015 – 25 members Officer transitions - April 2015 Graduation - May 2015 Rose Sale Fundraiser Relay for Life – June 2015 – participate in major fundraising all year long March Madness viewing party Hillbilly Days booth Pre-block Study Sessions – held before each block exam for first years