Dwarf or Shining Sumac Rhus copallina Alex Neumann
Dwarf Sumac Classification Dwarf/Shining Sumac Rhus copallina KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular SuperdivisionSpermatophytaSeed Plants DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering Plants ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons SubclassRodidae OrderSapindales FamilyAnacariaceaeSumac Family GenusRhus E.Sumac SpeciesRhus copallinaDwarf Sumac Figure 1: Dwarf Sumac Classification Table
Shape, Form, and Type of Tree The dwarf Sumac tree is a relatively small tree, about four to ten feet tall. Also, it is only about three to eight inches in diameter. Because of its small size, this three usually falls under the category of shrub rather than tree. Figure 2: Dwarf Tree
Bark The color of the bark of the Dwarf Sumac tree is generally between gray and light brown. Sometime the bark also has tints of red in it. When the tree is younger it is very smooth, but as it ages it becomes more scaled and rough. Figure 3: Dwarf Tree Bark
Twig The twigs of the Dwarf Sumac, like the bark of the tree, are a brownish color, but are also more obviously tinted. These twigs are textured, which means they are not rough, but they are also not very smooth. Figure 4: Dwarf Tree Twig
Leaf Description These leaves are pinnately compounded and are about twelve inches in length. Each leaflet carries anywhere from seven to fifteen leaves. The top side of the leaf is also substantially darker green than the bottom side, and all the leaves are covered in a layer of fuzz. Figure 5: Dwarf Tree Leaves
Bud, Fruit, and Flower Buds: the buds of the shining sumac are very small in size. They are also covered with a hairy layer much like the leaves. They are rounded and occur in large groups. Fruit: the fruit of this tree is a very dark red color. It’s very small, being only one-eighth of an inch long. Another interesting fact about this tree is that the fruit occurs all through the winter. Flowers: the flowers of this tree do not bloom until mid to late summer, but when they do, they are a yellowish green color. They are three to five inches wide and occur in large clusters.
Bud, Fruit, and Flower Pictures Figure 6: Dwarf Sumac BudFigure 8: Dwarf Sumac Flower Figure 7: Dwarf Sumac Fruit
Habitat and Range This tree is also very adaptable so it can grow in many different places such as on road sides, rocky ridges, in the forest, and in empty fields. Do to its adaptability this tree is found all over the United States. It is mainly found in the New England area, down to Florida and Texas, and over through Oklahoma. Figure 9: Dwarf Sumac Graph
Usage This is often used as an oriental tree because it is one of the only sources of food in the winter. It is also necessary to the birds, because it is one of the only sources of food during the winter. Also because of its denseness, it makes for a good shelter. Figure 10: Dwarf Sumac tree Branch
Figure References Figure 1: USDA, NRCS The PLANTS Database ( 23 June 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA USA. Figure 2: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 3: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 4: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figuer 5: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 6: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 7: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 8: "southeastern U.S. trees." Bioimages. Vanderbuilt, n.d. Web. 24 June Figure 9 USDA, NRCS The PLANTS Database ( 23 June 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA USA. Figure 10: Shearer, Lee. "Botanists play the mating game with dwarf sumac || OnlineAthens.com." Online Athens | Athens Banner-Herald | Athens, Ga.. Lee Shearer, 15 Feb Web. 24 June <
References Shape, Form, and Type of Tree: Dwarf Sumac." OPLIN | Ohio Public Library Information Network. Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN), 1 Jan Web. 24 June Bark: "Rhus copallinum Fact Sheet." College of Natural Resources | Virginia Tech. Department of Forest Resources and Enviromental Conservation, n.d. Web. 24 June Twig: "Rhus copallinum Fact Sheet." College of Natural Resources | Virginia Tech. Department of Forest Resources and Enviromental Conservation, n.d. Web. 24 June Leaf Description: Dwarf Sumac." OPLIN | Ohio Public Library Information Network. Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN), 1 Jan Web. 24 June Bud, Fruit, and Flower: "Rhus copallinum Fact Sheet." College of Natural Resources | Virginia Tech. Department of Forest Resources and Enviromental Conservation, n.d. Web. 24 June Habitat and Range: USDA, NRCS The PLANTS Database ( 23 June 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA USA. Usage: "Rhus copallinum Fact Sheet." College of Natural Resources | Virginia Tech. Department of Forest Resources and Enviromental Conservation, n.d. Web. 24 June