Embedded Systems Design Though Curriculum Jacqueline Bannister Luke Harvey Jacob Holen Jordan Peterson
Problem Statement The Department of Computer Engineering has found that underclassman students are struggling to see the connection between concepts learned within the curriculum and real world applications. Additionally the curriculum of each course tends to be compartmentalized, therefore not providing a birds eye view of the entire field. This Computer Engineering field encompasses the areas of embedded systems, computer architecture and software systems. Additional Issues: Little student involvement in clubs related to the program Students quickly lose interest in the program because of the difficulty of the curriculum and lack of encountering real world applications or design experiences
Need Statement Design an inquiry-based learning module that focuses on the use of course curriculum in the area of embedded systems for the Computer Engineering department. As outlined in the ADEPT proposal this program should: Motivate students to learn new material Provide alternate learning methodologies to address different learning styles Increase the design experience in the computer engineering program Motivate students to create a community of learners focused around problem solving
System Design - Requirements Projects must effectively integrate knowledge expected of students for that given year The courses will define checkpoints and milestones for students while still allowing for a design experience The proposed modules must engage student interest Should accommodate for various levels of skill sets and learning styles Should demonstrate area of embedded systems using robotics application
Course Breakdown
System Design – Sophomore Class
Dry Erase Bot Competition Goal: Color more squares than opponent in time limit Avoid obstacles, boundary, enemy robot Team’s robot designs will be their own choice using given supplies
System Design – Junior Class
D-Bomb Robot Competition Goal: Autonomously find “Bomb” object in a room filled with various obstacles Avoid obstacles, boundaries, danger Deactivate “bomb” once located Map path made around room
Class Outline Introduction to competition Students given tutorials for all components Students loaned a box of components Project milestones due every 3-4 weeks Final Report Competition
Platform NI Compact Rio 9073 – Up to 8 modules – Onboard FPGA – Heavy Duty – Expensive NI Single Board Compact Rio – Up to 4 modules – Onboard FPGA – Not so heavy duty – Cheaper
Software/Hardware NI LabVIEW – Real-time – FPGA – Embedded Libraries NI Smart Camera – Image Recognition Servos/Linear Actuators IR Sensor Sonar Light Sensor Chassis (body, wheels, etc) Breadboard/Electronics
Cost of components ComponentQuantityPriceTotal cRIO11500 Modules Smart Camera12000 Servo/Stepper22040 Linear Actuator24080 DC motor IR Sensor110 ChassisN/A?? Compass130 ElectronicsN/ACheapcheap Wireless1N/A
Success Metrics(Test) Execution of course material Each component implemented Prototype robot Assure robots can perform required tasks Experimental Course