A UTOMATED Design Team 8 David Martinez - Robert Raley James Wilson A DJUSTABLE T ABLE Status Report #6 March 22, 2010
N EED AND M ILESTONES Finalize design, order Microcontroller and Sensors - completed Program microcontroller - completed Purchase parts for table & build XY-Table – completed Integrate linear actuators with XY-Table and microcontroller, order power supply and motors – completed Integrate power supply and motors to table and microcontroller – 30 Mar 10 Test and make necessary adjustments – 2 Apr 10 Prototype demonstration – 15 Apr 10 Individuals with limited upper body movement are in need of a workspace that can adapt to their orientation.
Recently Completed Tasks Motor controllers ordered and received Design modification: Additional sensor ordered Stress test of legless X-Y table Revision to website Invention disclosure Sensor track acquired
Pending and Ongoing Tasks Finalize sensor track mechanics Integrate motor controllers with motors Add Formica to table top Submit leg options for funding approval
Upcoming Tasks Building sensor track array and attaching to table Integrate actuators and motors with motor controllers and microcontroller Order and attach table legs Test range finding sensor and attach at appropriate distance Extensive testing of completed table
Power Supply 30% Sensors 85% Microcontroller 85% Controllers 50% Motors 70 % Table 80 %
Q UESTIONS (Show Video Clip)