“Supporting Communities and Enhancing Lives” Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Background to the organisation ENC began in 1996 Before ENC was set up in 1996 there was no national organisation of its kind in the UK to represent the needs of the disabled, black and ethnic communities, those with long term health conditions, their families and their carer’s. ENC aims to enhance the confidence of individuals by empowering, supporting and assisting disabled people and carers to gain and sustain equality No national organisation of its kind in the UK to represent the needs of the disabled, black minority and ethnic communities, those with long term health conditions, their families and their carer’s. ENC act as a bridge between statutory sector and community grassroots. Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Our Programmes and Our unique selling point Advocacy Mentoring qualified social workers Women to women programme for ex-offenders Men Moving Forward ex-offenders The Volunteer, Student Social Work placements Programme from seven universities Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Our client base crosses the 9 characteristics of the Equalities Act, recognising that individuals can cut across a number of these streams. Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion and belief Sex Sexual Orientation Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Issues we support clients with Health care Social care Housing Employment Further education Welfare benefit Immigration Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Patient Experience Respect for patient cantered values, preferences and expressed needs including: cultural issues; the dignity, privacy and independence of patients and service users; an awareness of quality of life issues and shared decision making; Coordination and integration of care across the health and social care systems ; Information and communication and education on clinical status progress, prognosis and process of care in order to facilitate autonomy, self care and health promotion; physical comfort including pain management, help with activities of daily living and clean and comfortable and surroundings; Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety about such issues as clinical status, prognosis, and the impact of illness on patients, their families and their finances; Welcoming the involvement of family and friends, on whom patients and service users rely, in decision making and demonstrating awareness and accommodation of their care givers; Transition and continuity as regards information that will help patients care for themselves away from clinical setting, and coordination, planning and support to ease transitions; Access to care with attention for example, to time spent waiting for admission and placement in a room in an in-patient setting, and waiting time for an appointment or visit in the out- patient, primary care or social care setting. NHS patient Experience Framework, 2011 Julie Jaye Charles CEO
BME Patient Experience BME patients are less likely to report positive experiences of the NHS than those from White British background Report on self reported experience of patients from black and minority ethnic group May 2008 Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Why? Experience of racism either as a victim or witness Limited recognition of spiritual and cultural issues Concerns of non medical treatment available to BME service users/equality of delivery services e.g. psychological treatments Concern in accessing primary care due to lack of appropriate interpreter available Limited awareness of local services e.g. mental health services and social care etc. Julie Jaye Charles CEO
Finally please remember that it is not about empowering patients and carers, it is about giving them the power to empower themselves “Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another uniqueness.” Ola Joseph Julie Jaye Charles CEO