Support to Disabled People Organisations Priscille Geiser, Head of Technical Unit on « Support to Civil Society » DRT Seminar, Madagascar 31st October-4th.


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Presentation transcript:

Support to Disabled People Organisations Priscille Geiser, Head of Technical Unit on « Support to Civil Society » DRT Seminar, Madagascar 31st October-4th November 2011

Handicap International work in support to DPOs

History of HI work with DPOs ► Partners of HI since its inception (1982) ► Since early 1990’s, specific full-fledged projects developed to strengthen DPOs as important civil society stakeholders ► One of the 1st projects: Madagascar “Access to rights for persons with disabilities, through the creation and promotion of a structured associative movement” ► Inspired the creation of the regional SHARE-SEE project in the Balkans “Self-Help and Advocacy for Rights and Equal Opportunities South East Europe” and later of many national or regional projects ► Active role in the development of the UNCRPD, especially on article 32 + sponsoring Southern DPOs to take part in the process

Why does HI support DPOs and what can it offer? ► Historical involvement in promoting inclusive development ► Part of the Federal Strategy : The UNCRPD is one of our important reference texts; it promotes a human rights approach to disability DPOs as representative organisations are essential actors to improve participation of people with disabilities (2.4.4.) DPOs have a special role to play to enhance access to quality services for people with disabilities (2.2.) ► HI experience in capacity development ► Facilitating linkages with development stakeholders (service providers, donors, at local/ national/ international levels) ► Advocacy for inclusive and accessible development though international alliances

Regional projects1-country projects HI projects to strengthen DPOs (2011) HIB projects Closed projects Inclusive Local Development Projects

Support to DPOs: projects targeting… ► Stronger DPOs, better managed, capable of building alliances with civil society actors, of putting pressure on States ► Key changes at policy level: ratification and implementation of UNCRPD, adaptation of public policies, reform of law on disability, services supply, linking good practices and good policies (MIW) ► Participation of PwDs in decision-making at national, local level ► Key changes in practices: attitudes, implementation of laws and policies ► Individual empowerment of DPO members ► Better connection between DPOs and sectoral projects

Reviewing our experience in support to DPOs ► In 2009, review of 25 projects in support to DPOs ► 1 st Technical Seminar in Münich (Dec 2009) to analyse experience and identify key recommendations and projects’ components ► Development of Policy Paper (+ review, validation) ► 2 nd Technical Seminar in Madagascar (Nov 2011) to exchange further on practices and experiences in view of developing further tools and guides

Policy Paper ► Basis for this workshop, structured around the 4 components of the paper 1.Building internal capacities of DPOs 2.Supporting DPOs to engage in efficient advocacy to promote social and policy change 3.Supporting DPOs to monitor human rights of persons with disabilities 4.Supporting DPOs to empower their members

Key working approaches of HI ► Systematically building on existing DPO capacities:  Adjusting to each context: support the emergence or restructuring of DPOs  Governing project through Steering Committees  Promoting South to South cooperation (e.g. regional projects) and partnerships with international level DPOs: SHIA, EDF, AODP, African Decade, DPI … ► Not disconnecting training from practice: learning by doing ► Not disconnecting advocacy from practical evidence: MIW ► Working simultaneously at different levels to build stronger movements ► Promoting alliances with other civil society groups ► Long term involvement: 5-7 years

Some of the challenges ahead … Key questions that will guide us through the seminar: ► Where to support, where/when to stop capacity development support? How should partnership relations evolve? ► How to ensure truly participatory approaches? ► How to interact with decision makers without compromising independency? ► How to ensure that advocacy is enrooted in evidenced practices? ► How to monitor the effects of advocacy? How to monitor political participation of DPOs? ► How to engage effectively in UNCRPD monitoring? What are the best strategies? ► How to ensure that all people with disabilities are effectively involved? ►…►…

Focus on: Access to Services and linkages with support to DPOs

Access to Services ► A structuring framework for HI as part of its new federal strategy ► A systemic approach to enhance people with disabilities’ access to quality services, thereby fulfilling their human rights ► Brings coherence in what HI does, highlighting complementarities between different projects and initiatives ► Programming guide: analysing the context and developing relevant country strategies

Connections between access to services and human rights ► Access to services is about realising the UNCRPD in all contexts and all environments, asking each type of stakeholder to play their role in the system, i.e.: States/ authorities to “promote, protect and fulfil” human rights (UNCRPD) through relevant policies in all sectors (art ), consultation with civil society (art 4.3, 3, 29), spread information about rights (art.8), collect relevant data (art.31)… Services providers to deliver quality services, abiding by the norms/ rules (e.g. accessibility standards, financial accessibility…) DPOs to use, monitor the quality of services, take part in decision-making, demand relevant solutions, etc. ► Coordination between them is essential

Service Providers (private and public) Authorities/ policy makers National level and Local level Users: People with disabilities, their families, DPOs Evaluate needs, ensure access, consult and ensure participation of PwDs in decision-making Ask for services, advocate, take part in decision-making Supply services, inform on needs, take part in decision- making Analyse needs, provide services, ensure access Ask for services, choose services, utilise services, evaluate the quality of services Regulate, allocate sufficient means, control, evaluate, identify innovation, replicate innovation, guarantee quality (accreditation) Regulate, define strategic orientations, policies Provide quality servicesUse and monitor Key roles in an enabling system for access to services

CBR/ CBID: no relevant access to services without strong DPO involvement WHO, 2010

Some of the challenges in linking DPOs and access to services… ► How can DPOs engage as advocates for access to quality services for people with disabilities? ► What level of technicality is required from DPOs to influence sectoral policies and what alliances are needed? ► How to encourage services-focused project to include the perspective of “users”? ► How to ensure person-centred approaches and get away from the unbalanced carer/patient relation? ► In mainstream services, “users” aren’t only people with disabilities: how to bring in the disability perspective within broader user groups? ► What other rights (not directly connected to services) need to be advocated for to prepare an enabling environment? ►…►…