Jim Ellam Staffordshire County Council How Technology Can Help Deliver Personalised Care.


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Presentation transcript:

Jim Ellam Staffordshire County Council How Technology Can Help Deliver Personalised Care

'If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got………. so if you want what you've never had you have to do what you've never done...'

‘Assistive Technology’ “any device or system that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increases the ease and safety with which the task can be performed.” (Royal Commission on Long Term Care 1999). TECS refers to the use of telehealth, telecare, telemedicine, telecoaching and self–care in providing care for patients with long term conditions that is convenient, accessible and cost–effective. It has the potential to transform the way people engage in and control their own healthcare, empowering them to manage it in a way that is right for them.

Training, cultural change and service transformation Embed TECS in Care Pathways Making best use of existing technologies Understanding potential and limitations of new and emerging technologies Adopting and implementing new technologies

"Switched-on" generation switched off to life- changing care technology Carers UK report, Potential for Change, shows that while over 7 in 10 UK adults routinely turn to technology for banking, shopping and communications, only 3 in 10 are embracing health and care technology to help care for older or disabled relatives.Potential for Change TECS

Jane felt isolated Jane struggled to remember numbers. She only rang her family and friends when others helped her dial the number. She had to plan making a call…. Until she changed her phone…

John’s Life prior to managing his medication frequent severe seizures Paramedics called out to my house regularly Forgetting to take meds Fear of going out with friends Absent periods in the day Desire to do voluntary work Fear of having a seizure work Invasion of my privacy i.e carer visits Social care visits twice daily Dependence on care staff to assist with meds

Outcomes for John Improved independence & gained control of his life. Significant reduction in episodes of seizures Improved lifestyle – Improved ability to manage day to day activities: housework, tenancy issues, personal hygiene etc – Now able to go out with friends and undertake meaningful activities in the community – Improved communication – Improved confidence and self esteem – Undertakes voluntary work weekly

Assessment, Risk and Reassurance

Community Alarms & Telecare

Using GPS technology



A Personalised Approach to Information and Advice

Informing Acting! Supporting Helping People to help themselves /

Equipment for easier living Help at home Domestic Services

Sharing learning & best practice

“It was incredibly useful and gave me new insight into these services and how health and care, and public and private sectors, are working together in your area to develop the use of TECS” Diana Paine

Partnership Working

Jim Ellam