Documentation Requirement All records should contain sufficient detail to sustain an audit and be clear enough to be read and understood by persons not associated with the project. 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
Contractor Testing Documentation Important elements for sampling and testing documents o Verify Qualified laboratory utilized for testing o Identify Qualified sampler and tester (complete name, first and last) o Identify specified material type o Verify aggregate quality/source identification o Verify sampling and testing schedule 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
Materials Certifications Documentation Review Materials Tracking System (MTS) data Confirm required certification documents have been supplied and referenced Review Materials Certifications Documentation for specified compliance in accordance with the CMM 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
WisDOT Verification Testing Review Materials Tracking System data Confirm Verification testing was conducted and documented as specified 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
2012 Contractor QC Data Tests missing or not documented Required forms not used or presented Worksheet information missing- full names, project ID, quantities, Lab ID etc. Project administrators had to go back to contractors to get incomplete or missing documents 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
Materials Certifications and Documentation June 2008 o 86.0%- missed 8 of 56 required November 2009 o 91.0% -missed 5 of 57required November 2010 o 86.0 % - missed 12 of 79 required September 2011 o 98.0 %-missed 2 of 103 required December 2012 o 91.9 % - Missed 10 of 124 required November 2013 o 100 % - Missed 0 of 55 required 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
Verification Testing June 2008 o 79.0% (97% if Companion Cylinders not included) November 2009 o 93.0 % -missed 15 of 217 required tests or test sets November 2010 o 96.0 % - missed 4 of 105 required tests or test sets September 2011-Preliminary results o 93.1% -missed 19 of 277 required tests or test sets (98.0% if Companion Cylinders not included) December 2012 o 93.3% - missed 22 of 329 required tests or test sets December (Preliminary Findings) o 95.1% - missed 7 of 144 required tests or test sets 10/23/2015WisDOT BTS MMS
Keith H. Lundin Quality Assurance Unit Bureau of Technical Services Division of Transportation System Development Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation Cell: FAX: