Formats ACT 380
Who/Why CSI/CSC – Construction Specifications Institute/Construction Specifications Canada The guidelines and standards enhance communication, improve readability, and decrease confusion and margin for error
Four Formats Used UniFormatTM MasterFormatTM SectionFormatTM PageFormatTM
UniFormatTM Uniform classification system for organizing preliminary construction information into a standard order or sequence on the basis of elements or systems (HVAC and Exterior Wall Assemblies) 1st published in 1970- 1st formal document formulated by General Services Administration (GSA), American Institute of Architects (AIA), and Hanscomb Associates, Inc.
UniformatTM con’t The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) got involved and used the 1970s document as a framework upon which to continue to develop and update the UniFormatTM to current industry needs See page 5.33 Figure 5.5-B for the UniformatTM outline levels 1 - 2
Applications Preliminary project descriptions – describes project by basic elements before the particular materials or methods have been chosen Preliminary cost estimates – A/E use format to assist in preliminary cost estimates; R.S. Means Company publishes the Means Assemblies Cost Data based on early UniFormatTM Drawing detail filing – because it is organized by systems, it allows for ease in filing and retrieving details in the office producing or using the details
Other Possible Uses Scheduling Value Management Building Performance Recording of Design Data Structuring of Codes Monitoring & Management of Design Programs and Costs
MasterFormatTM Is a system for organizing detailed construction information into a standard order or sequence on the basis of products and methods Consists of 50 (includes 00-Procurement & Contracting) Divisions which are fixed in number and titles (note: previously 16) See pages 5.34 & 5.35 for list
Applications Used to organize: Specifications File construction and product data Arrange cost information
Specifications Numbers and titles are provided in a logical sequence for all sections required for a construction project Used by almost all government agencies, guide specifications authors, and design firms
Data Filing Format is useful in filing and retrieving technical data and product literature The key in any construction project is the ability to quickly and accurately locate information related to the products being specified
Cost Classification The MasterFormatTM assists in organizing construction costs while parallel to the organization of the specifications
SectionFormatTM Standardizes the way in which information is presented within individual sections of the Project Manual Specifications CSI/CSC jointly developed this format There are 3 Parts within each section
3 Parts Part 1 – GENERAL Part 2 – PRODUCTS Part 3 -- EXECUTION
Part 1 -- General Sequencing Scheduling Warranty System Startup Summary References Definitions System Description Submittals Quality Assurance Delivery, Storage, and Handling Project Conditions or Site Conditions Sequencing Scheduling Warranty System Startup Owner’s Instructions Commissioning Maintenance
Part 2 -- Products Manufacturers Existing Products Materials Manufactured Units Equipment Components Accessories Mixes Fabrication Finishes Source Quality Control
Part 3 -- Execution Acceptable Installers Examination Preparation Erection Installation Application Construction Repair/Restoration Re-Installation Field Quality Control Adjusting Cleaning Demonstration Projection Schedules
References/Examples Hierarchy of the Formats – see page 5.29 Figure 5.5-A UniFormat™ Levels 1-2 – see page 5.33 Figure 5.5-B Four Levels of Detail – see FF/2 –E handout and page 5.35 in text SectionFormatTM Outline – see page 5.38 Figure 5.5-C
PageFormatTM Standardizes the presentation of text for each page of a specification section This also assists in compiling the specifications as well as locating information