SKILL DEVELOPMENT Pascal Lovera (Laos) Pan Qing (China) Anne Burtin (Burundi) Ol Soveasna (Cambodia) Benedict J.John-Simbo (Sierra Leone) Pham Thi Bao Chinh (Vietnam)
Tool box Structure 1. Guidelines 2. Soft skills 3. Job hunting 4. Business skills 5. Technical skills
Relevance YES, the tools are relevant Some tools can lie under several sections. For example, the “Interview guidelines (Australian government)” currently belong to “Soft skill” part can also stay with “Job Hunting” part. A content/ listing which indicates the possible location(s) of tools will be useful. Tools need adjustments to fit into the different project context There should be a part describing local context of each involved country and project in which the tool is set to make adaptation work easier. If each project needs to adapt its tools, for each sub-part, a standard document could be produced based on field experience - for example, in business management, a basic training module could be designed. Each program could built its one from the standard document and adapt it to its audience and context.
1. Guidelines Points of interest: Energizers. It can be applied in every training Guidelines for Training of Trainers (ILO): useful tips and checklist for ToT, good for self-assessment Rooms for improvement: We also need Guidelines for recruiting, communicating and monitoring the work of contracted trainers/ service suppliers. Guidelines for Indentifying and Cooperating with existing training programmes.
2. Soft skills Points of interest: “Inclusive livelihood training tool kit”. Useful instructions and clarification of concept. Rooms for improvement: Training materials have a tendency to provide lots of listing, which is comprehensive but not easy for trainees to remember and digest in the training. It’s better to focus on providing a simple framework (something like A-IATAC) which helps trainees to remember and develop ideas. This part focuses more on understanding disabilities than soft-skills. It may be better to have 2 separated packages.
3. Job hunting Points of interest: Getting a job, Trainer Tool kit (Tibet) Achieving Equal Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities through Legislation (ILO) Getting hired. A Trainer’s Manual for Conducting a Workshop for Job-Seekers with Disabilities (ILO) Rooms for improvement: “Job hunt” section focuses more on Job Seek than Job Readiness, which is as equal important as the rate of dropout is high
4. Business skills & Technical skills Points of interest: Useful tool collection from ILOs (How to start a small business; Access to SIYB training; Success Case Replication, Peer to peer apprenticeship, Manual & Formats, etc). However, practical tools designed and tested by HI programs are more interesting: Trainers Handbook Business Management_Cam ; Skills Development Tool Kit facilitation, method Uganda_Small business management visual, simple Guidelines of vocational training (India) occupational functional capacity
4. Business skills & Technical skills Rooms for improvement: No documentation for supporting socio-economic inclusion for vulnerable people with food insecurity in remote area, linking different challenges like access to market, access to land, access to water, literacy, no service providers … More practical examples of work by HI with vocational training centers (adaptation/design of curricula, adaptations of tools/equipments) A deeper look into non-formal vocational training context and methodologies in developing countries
6. Others A GREAT tool collection English users can not access all files due to language barrier Skills converged website. Good but not all free. This raises an issue. If project staff finds a good information resource and would like to use them with a fee, especially when the resource is in local language, e.g. journal articles, would that be something that we encourage and consider? Skill development agenda for field officers/ staff
Project beneficiary used the visualised goat raising business model