Canadian Foodgrains Bank & CRWRC
What is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank? A Christian response to hunger CFGB is a partnership of 15 Canadian church agencies, which together seek a Christian response to hunger by Ending Hunger by supporting partnerships and activities overseas, influencing necessary changes in public policies, and deepening the involvement of Canadians
How does CFGB work? $20 million in CIDA matching funds available to member agencies at a 4:1 ratio Food Security Fund CFGB General Fund Member Agency Accounts $8.4 million
Types of CFGB funded projects Food Aid – providing food to people in need Seed Distribution – rehabilitating lost crop Food Security – assisting households and communities to produce food for themselves or to earn the income they need to purchase food Complementary Nutrition - activities that deal with other factors that affect nutrition and health
How does CFGB work with CRWRC $
CRWRC’s CFGB Account 07/08 Donated Grain Value: $614,502 Grain tonnage: 2,781 Cash Donations: $396,745 Total Donations: $1,011,247
Leveraging our equity
Mozambique 35 projects in 16 countries 15,570 MT of food to 540,000 people CRWRC Programming
Increasing Food Prices There are about 1.2 billion people who live on $1 a day or less. Many use percent of that income to obtain food. Price Increases, March 2007 – March 2008 Corn Rice Soya Wheat Source: Bloomberg, except rice: FAO/Jackson Son & Co
FOOD FOR WORK PROJECT IN MALI MALI ALGERIA MAURITANIA WESTERN SAHARA SENEGAL NIGER GUINEA LIBERIA SIERRA LEONE IVORY COAST BURKINA FASO GHANA NIGERIA BENIN TOGO Fast Facts: Population: 11,995,402 Literacy rate: 46.4% Life expectancy: 49.5 Population below poverty line: 64% Religions: Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1% In July 2007 floods destroyed or damaged dams and agricultural wells. The food-for-work project repaired two dams, rebuilt 211 garden ploys and 596 agricultural wells. Bamako Mopti
For more information, contact: CRWRC- Canada 3475 Mainway Burlington, ON L7R 3Y