Japan and the Koreas Race Through Asia Round 2 Sam Sicilia Waverly Middle School.


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Presentation transcript:

Japan and the Koreas Race Through Asia Round 2 Sam Sicilia Waverly Middle School

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Japan and the Koreas

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography If You Lived There… You are a passenger on a very fast train zipping its way across the countryside. If you look out the window to your right, you can see the distant sparkle of sunlight on the ocean. If you look to the left, you see rocky, rugged, mountains. Suddenly the train leaves the mountains and you see hundreds of trees covered in delicate pink flowers. Rising above the trees is a single snowcapped volcano. How does this scenery make you feel?

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography The main physical features of Japan and the Koreas are rugged mountains. Japan is an archipelago Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku The Korean Peninsula juts out from the Asian mainland and is made up of North Korea and South Korea

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography Similarities Both are covered in rugged mountains. Both suffer damage from typhoons. Both have similar climates. Neither is very rich in mineral resources (some coal and iron in N. Korea) Differences Japan suffers from many earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, Korea does not. The Korean Peninsula has large plains, Japan does not. Korea has more rivers than Japan.

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography The climates and resources of Japan and the Koreas vary from north to south. North: Humid Continental climate with cold and long winters and cool summers (short growing season) South: Humid Subtropical climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography Fisheries A place where lots of fish and other seafood can be caught Why might this be so important to Japan?

Japan and the Koreas Physical Geography Resources Koreas use fast rivers for hydroelectric power Japan has strong fishing economy Fisheries: A place where lots of fish and other seafood can be caught Why might this be so important to Japan? Taechong dam on the Kum River, South Korea.

JAPAN TODAY Japan and the Koreas

Japan Today If YOU lived there… You and your family live in a small apartment in the crowded city of Tokyo. Every day you and your friends crowd into jammed subway trains to travel to school. Since your work in school is very hard and demanding, you really look forward to the weekends. You especially like to visit mountain parks where there are flowering trees, quiet gardens, and ancient shrines. Do you like your life in Tokyo? Why or why not?

Japan Today Since World War II, Japan has developed a democratic government and one of the world’s strongest economies. Constitutional Monarchy Emperor holds little power Diet (elected legislature) and elected prime minister make laws and govern life in Japan today. Japan has few natural resources and arable land Must import raw materials and food from other countries

Japan Today Economy Economy has grown tremendously since 1950s (not very strong before) Manufacturing : known for making high quality products, especially cars and electronics. Many Japanese companies are leaders in new technology and ideas Economy depends on trade and has developed a trade surplus

Japan Today Reasons for success Government working with business Japanese workforce – Well-educated and highly trained Strong work ethic (belief that work itself is worthwhile) Because of work ethic, most Japanese work hard and are loyal to their companies, and thus companies are successful

Japan Today - Daily Life A shortage of open space shapes daily life in Japan. Life in Tokyo More than 30 million people City is busy, noisy, and very crowded Land is scarce = high real estate prices Lack of Space Crowding has become a serious issue Tall and narrow buildings Underground structures (shops and restaurants) Capsule hotels Commuters

Japan Today Challenges Besides overcrowding, Japan faces several other issues Competition from other countries China and South Korea have begun taking business from Japanese companies Environmental Challenges Pollution has become a problem Kyoto Protocols

THE KOREAS TODAY Japan and the Koreas

The Koreas Today If YOU lived there… You live in Inchon, one of South Korea’s largest cities. Sometimes your grandparents tell you about the other family members who still live in North Korea. You have never met them, of course, and your grandparents have not seen them since they were children, more than 50 years ago. After hearing stories about these family members you are curious about their lives. Would you like to visit North Korea?

The Koreas Today South Korea Many people in South Korea today have freedom and economic opportunities. Government is a republic, with elected officials Densely populated Strong economy based on manufacturing Issues and Challenges Relationship with N. Korea Demilitarized Zone

The Koreas Today North Korea The people of North Korea today have little freedom or economic opportunity. Misleading name Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Totalitarian State Controlled by Communist Party

The Koreas Today North Korea Government Founded by Kim Il Sung, who ruled N. Korea as a dictator until 1994 Succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Il, also a dictator Command Economy Government plans economy, owns all land, controls access to jobs, and decides what is produced

The Koreas Today North Korea Daily Life in North Korea Most people live in cities Pyongyang is capital and largest city Very crowded, more 3 million people Few people own cars (only top Communist officials are even allowed) Many streets are dark because of electricity shortages People have fewer rights than people in Japan or South Korea

The Koreas Today North Korea Issues and Challenges Shortages of electricity due partly to choices made by government North Korea is closed off from most of the world, doing business mostly with other communist countries They lack technology to take advantage of their resources

The Koreas Today Reunification Some people in both South Korea and North Korea support the idea of Korean reunification. People and both governments have expressed support for reunification because the countries share a common history and culture. Until the issue of whether a unified Korea would have a Communist government or a Democracy is resolved, reunification is unlikely.

Japan and the Koreas Chapter Summary Japan and the Koreas are both rugged, mountainous areas surrounded by water. Japan has overcome many challenges to become one of the most highly developed countries in Asia. Though they share a common history and culture, the two Koreas have very different governments and economies.

Any Questions about Japan and the Koreas?