Feminist Approaches to Sexuality By Manpreet and Harleen
What is Feminism? Feminism consists of ideas and beliefs of what culture is like for women because of their gender, compared to what the world is like for men. Feminism assumes that women are not treated equally to men, therefore they are at a disadvantage.. Feminism also refers to a movement, which involves individuals to organized action, including changes in behavior of members in the movements and to others outside the movement to make a change. Types of Feminism… Radical Socialist Reformist
Religious Teachings Christian and Hebrew teachings -Women are seen to be created for the man -They are a man’s property -A secondary to a man Most religious approaches defined the cultural role for women to be: -A child-bearer --A wife --A submissive companion -Due to women’s status they had little access to politics, wealth and free choice.
The situation has affected various things including… Sex- male dominance Most sexual crimes are committed against women. Marriage Laws- only recently made equal. -Ultra Orthodox Jews maintain that a divorce is only possible if the husband issues the ‘Get’ ( contract of divorce) In some Protestant Christian Churches the role of women in… -Limited to a homemaker and child- raiser. Liberal criticized- by Feminists 1.They assume level playing field. 2.Men and women both can enter freely into a sexual relationship. Our Society is Patriarchal- that freedom is questionable. Women may be so conditioned that they are not even aware of their DISEMPOWERED STATUS. Effects of Religious Teachings
Theorists View Catherine MacKinnon -Sexuality must be changed until this happens sex is immoral. Jill Johnston-Extreme -Argues for the separation of men and women -Same sex for women as political statement to undermine the domination and power of men. Mary Daly -Women cannot call God Father -Implied God is male, then men MUST be God. --Women are not fully in the image of God, due to ancient influences. -Relgions are sexist.
Daphne Hampson -Since the enlightenment there has been ill fit and Christianity and modern thought. --Equality does not fit into many religious traditions. --Must discard these traditions Raymond Bellioti -Women are not socially defined. -They can decide for themselves -If they feel they can’t then patriarchy is needed. -No problem with a woman accepting a socially defined role if she chooses it.
Summary… Religions are too old fashioned Religion is too concerned with sexual acts. Degrades women. Women are not able to express their views freely. Religion is too concerned with sexual acts Women’s view has been lost in society. Women wanted to make a change, therefore the feminism movement aimed to change the behaviour of people to make a CHANGE!