Practical 2: Using Graphs, solver, conditionals statement Gopalan Vivek
Objectives Learn about charts Formatting chart components Using Solver IF statement Nested statements
Charts Open a blank Excel windows In the help search for 1. “About charts” 2. “Formatting charts” 3. “Examples of chart types” 4. “Create a chart” F1 Press function key ‘F1’ for help.
Troubleshooting In the Excel help search for “Troubleshooting charts” If you still can’t rectify the error then ask help from the TUTOR. Now practice the question number 1 given in the practical 2 web page ml. ml
Solver Solver Solver is an add-in program that comes along with Excel It is used for finding the optimum (maximum or minimum) values of functions. Add-ins are supplemental programs that extend the capabilities of Excel by adding custom commands and specialized features.
Solver – installing and loading Type “Install and load solver” in the Excel help and follow the instructions.
Installing Solver Tools -> Add-ins To install SOLVER click in the menu Tools -> Add-ins and in the Add-Ins dialog box, select the ‘Solver Add-in’ check box, and then click OK.
Loading Solver Tools -> solver To load SOLVER click in the menu Tools -> solver.
Solver Parameters The Objective Function (Target Cell) –The quantity you want to maximize or minimize or set value is called the objective function or target cell. The cell reference must be a formula. Decision Variables (Changing Cells) –The quantities which are variable, or under the control of the decision maker. These are the cells that the Solver will change automatically in order to maximize or minimize the objective or target cell.
Solver parameters Constraints –Constraints are relations such as A1 >= 0. A constraint is satisfied if the condition it specifies is TRUE within a small tolerance. –Constraints are specified by giving a cell reference such as A1 (the "left hand side"), a relation ( =), and an expression for the "right hand side."
Break-Even Analysis Fixed Costs: Rent: 5,000 Utilities: 300 Helper: 1,500 Variable Costs: Flowers: 40% of selling price So we know that: Selling price – cost of flowers – rent – utilities – helper = 0 when she breaks even??? Aunt petunia problem - revisited
The Objective Function (Target Cell) –The cell reference that contains the income formula Decision Variables (Changing Cells) –The cell reference that contains the sales value Constraints –No constraints Break-Even Analysis
Income =E6*$H$7
Now practice the question number 2 given in the practical 2 web page ml. ml Aunt petunia problem - solution
IF statement Conducts conditional tests on values and formulas. In the Excel help search for “IF statement” for more details. Also learn to use “Formula Palette” using Excel help
If statement in Formula palette Type ‘=if’ in the cell “B2” To do : If the expenditure is less than 100 then type budget status as “Less Budget” else “OK” Then click on the ‘=‘ to sign in the formula bar to activate the palette Step 1
Type in the conditional statement
‘IF’ ‘IF’ statement e.g.
Nested Loop - e.g =IF ( AverageScore>89,"A",IF ( AverageScore>79,"B", IF ( AverageScore>69,"C",IF ( AverageScore>59,"D","F" ) ))) AverageScoreGrade Greater than 89 A From 80 to 89 B From 70 to 79 C From 60 to 69 D Less than 60 F To assign letter grades to numbers referenced by the name AverageScore. Now practice the ‘Question 3’ given in the practical-2
Cash flow statement 1. Check the Microsoft’s balance sheet Keep all eyes on cash flow (article on Cash flow). Keep all eyes on cash flow 3. Financial statements basics (concept) Financial statements basics
Practice – Do this after finishing your Quiz (if you have time) Draw a graph for y = sin(x) + 0.5cos(2x) in the range [0, 2 ] and using solver find maximum and minimum values of the function in that range.