Define Endangered Species A species at risk of extinction because of human activity. Changes in climate changes in predator prey rations.
What is the typical/ average size of your endangered species? About 26inches at shoulders. U.S. to 5.5 feet (including the tail)
Life Span 6-7 years in the wild up to 15 years in captivity.
Describe The Diet Wolves are pack hunters, with the preferred diet being large herbivores such as moose, deer, elk, caribou. They also hunt bison, rodents and others small animals such as coyotes.
Population 207 captive red wolves reside at 38 captive breeding facilities across United States.
Habitat/Location A wolf lives in the forest. Tundra swamps and sometimes on the plains. The wolfs habitat is the cold weather in Canada and forests.
Typical Behavior Red wolves primarily nocturnal and communicate by scent marking communicate by scent marking, vocalizations (including howling) facial expressions and body postures.
Threats Habitat Loss.
Enemies/Predators It enemies are the humans.
How can you help with preservation? Save their habitat.
Extra Information The red wolf weighs about pounds.