fragment Definition: Example: How do you fix? Summary: An incomplete sentence. Ran from the police. Add the missing subject or verb. The thieves ran from the police.
-Skip two or three lines- Run-on Definition: Example: How do you fix? What does FANBOYS stand for? Advanced Fix Two or more sentences smooshed together without proper punctuation. After Lisa passed her exam, she celebrated with her family they went to Olive Garden. Separate the sentences w/: Period (.) Semicolon (;) Comma (,) + FANBOYS After Lisa passed her exam, she celebrated with her family. They went to Olive Garden. -Skip two or three lines- F A N B O Y S o n o u r e o r d r t t
Run-on Summary
-Skip two or three lines- Comma Splice Definition: Example: How do you fix? Advanced Fix Summary: Run-on separated by a comma. Jesse loves football, he watches it every weekend. Same as how to fix run-ons: Period (.) Semicolon (;) Comma (,) + FANBOYS Jesse loves football. He watches it every weekend. Jesse loves football; he watches it every weekend. Jesse loves football, so he watches it every weekend. -Skip two or three lines-
-Skip two or three lines- Verb Tense Definition: Regular Types: Rules: Example: Advanced Types: Summary: A verb form that shows the time of action or condition. Past Present Future Verb tense must match the context of the sentence: Bobby played with Joey yesterday. Bobby plays with Joey every day. Bobby will play with Joey tomorrow. -Skip two or three lines-
Misplaced Modifier Definition: Example: How to Fix: Summary A description is placed too far away from the thing it is describing. Flying near the ceiling of the cave, our class watched the bats. -this makes it sound like the class is flying near the ceiling. Put the description next to the thing it is describing. Our class watched the bats flying near the ceiling of the cave.
Parallelism Definition: Bad Examples: Fix: Summary: Items in a list or compound sentences that have the same structure. Martin wants to become a doctor, lawyer, or teach history. Lola spends every summer fishing, swimming, and to sail. Martin wants to become a doctor, lawyer, or history teacher. Lola spends every summer fishing, swimming, and sailing.
Dialogue Rules Regular Rules: Advanced Rules: Summary: Put double quotation marks around a person’s spoken words. “Hello,” Margie drawled. Place punctuation inside the quotation marks. “What do you want?” Melissa asked. Start a new paragraph every time a new person speaks. “I’ve come to pick up my belongings,” Margie responded. “Well, I’ve already thrown them out,” Melissa laughed. -skip 7 or 8 lines-
Sentence Variety Definition: Why use it? How do you use it? Using sentences of different lengths, patterns, and types It makes writing more interesting to read and helps the writing to flow. Add sentence openers Adverbs: Suddenly, the tiger attacked. Prepositional Phrase: Within minutes, the zebra was down. ‘ing verb: Hurrying, the tiger’s mate joined her. To verb: To protect her kill, the tiger stayed awake. Mix sentence types Statement Question Command Exclamation
Sentence Variety Vary sentence length Short summary Vary sentence length Short Medium (combine 1-2 short sentences) Long (combine several short sentences) Vary sentence patterns Compound sentence: two sentences linked with FANBOYS. Complex sentence: two ideas linked together with a subordinating conjunction Although Because If When During While Etc.