Instructions for On Line feeding of IWMP projects (On departmental website)
1. Open Internet Explorer and write in address bar
2. Select OnLine Data feeding from Main Menu
TABLE: 1.Institutional arrangements Name of District Name of PIAName of blockSanction yearName of Project 4-member WDT is available (Y/N) TABLE: 1.Institutional arrangements DPR formed DPR approved Base line (to be surveyed) villages no Base line (to be surveyed) household no Base line (surveyed) villages no Base line (surveyed) household no Collection of revenue data (Y/N) Revenue data sent to SRSAC (Y/N) TABLE: 1.Institutional arrangements wdt Engineerng missing (Y/N) wdt Agriculure missing (Y/N) wdt Social Science missing (Y/N) wdt AH missing (Y/N) No. of WCs to be constituted No. WCs constituted No. of WCs having Account opened
TABLE: PIA Bank Account Name of District Name of Project Year of Sanction Bank and Branch (PIA) Account No Account type Name of persons who operate Designati on of persons who operate Mobile No TABLE: WC Bank Account Account NoName of BankName of account operators Mobile NoName of Secratary Name of Chairman TABLE: WC Bank Account Name of District Name of Block Name of Project Year of Sanction Name of WC Name of Gram Panchayat WC constituted
TABLE: Scientific Equipments and other nonrecurring expenditures DistrictitemExp (in lacs) TABLE: Staff Employed and other recurring expenditures DistrictHeadWether appointedExp (in lacs)
TABLE: FM_10 Name of District Name of PIA Name of Project Name of Block Year of sanction Administr ative cost (lacs) Monitori ng (lacs) Evaluation (lacs) EPA (lacs) TABLE: FM_10 Institution & capacity building (lacs) Detailed Project Report (DPR) (lacs) Watershed Developmen t works (lacs) Livelihood activities for the asset- less persons Production system & microenterpr ises (lacs) Consolidation Phase (lacs) area treated in ha
TABLE: WDT information Name of District Name of Block Name of Project Year of sanction DisciplineName of WDT GenderAgeQualificat ion TABLE: WDT information Previous Experience Description of professional training Title of training imparted by department Institution of training Duration (Dates) of training Duration (No of Days) of training
TABLE: EPA DistrictblockName of project Sanction year no of epa selected no of epa start + complete Name of EPA Location / Village Expendit ure in lacs TABLE: employ DistrictBlock Name Name of project Sanction year no of beneficiari es (small farmers) no of beneficiari es (marginal farmers) no of beneficiari es (landless) no of beneficiari es (BPL) employme nt generated (no of person days) male employme nt generated (no of person days) female no of person days migrated from project area
TABLE: Details of Phy.Targets and Achievements under Institution and Capacity Building for IWMP during No. of Trainings organised till date for WDT No. of Trainings organised till date for WC No. of Trainings organised till date for SHG/UG/PRI/c ommunity No. of persons trained till date WDT No. of persons trained till date WC No. of persons trained till date SHG/UG/PRI/c ommunity TABLE: Details of Phy.Targets and Achievements under Institution and Capacity Building for IWMP during districtNo. of Trainings to be organised during for WDT No. of Trainings to be organised during for WC No. of Trainings to be organised during for SHG/UG/PRI /community no. of persons to be trained during WDT no. of persons to be trained during WC no. of persons to be trained during SHG/UG/PRI /community
TABLE: Progress under other activities of Institution & Capacity Building head of IWMP (as per circular dated ) districtno of Exposure Tour Within State no of Beneficiaries Exposure Tour Within State no of Exposure Tour outside State no of Beneficiaries Exposure Tour outside State no of Monthly WDT Workshop Wall Painting/ Hoardings TABLE: Progress under other activities of Institution & Capacity Building head of IWMP (as per circular dated ) Nara LekhanEmpanelment of NGOs/ROs Empanelment of NGOs/ROs (No.) Documentation of Success Stories Preparation of training material
TABLE: Monthly Progress of Outstanding Paras of Inspection Reports districtparticularNo.of Outstanding Paras on First day of the Month No.of Compliance of Paras submitted during the Month Total Compliance of Paras submitted up to the Month No. of Total dropped paras up to the Month No. of Pending Paras on last day of the Month TABLE: Monthly Progress of Outstandin Factual Statement/Draft Paras/C.A.G. Reports/P.A.C. Reports districtparticularNo.of Outstanding Paras on First day of the Month No.of Compliance of Paras submitted during the Month Total Compliance of Paras submitted up to the Month No. of Total dropped paras up to the Month No. of Pending Paras on last day of the Month
TABLE: Position of Outstanding O.B. Items/Thefts/Embezzlement & Losses Matters districtparticularNo.of Outstanding Paras on First day of the Month No.of Compliance of Paras submitted during the Month Total Compliance of Paras submitted up to the Month No. of Total dropped paras up to the Month No. of Pending Paras on last day of the Month TABLE: Position of Disposal of Unused Material districtparticularAmount Received from Auction during Amount Deposited in Govt. Account during the Month Balance Amount Not Deposited in Govt. Account Up to the Month Amount Deposited in Govt. Account Up to the Month Proposal Submitted for Additional Budget Up to 50% of Auction Amount
TABLE: Position of Amount in Watershed Development Fund districtparticularOpening Balance as on First day of the Month Amount Deposited during the Month Total Amount Amount Use during the Month Closing Balance on the Last day of the Month