Warm Up (p-32-33) Write a brief history of your life, using major events, not dates to describe it to this point Homework: vocab set 3, day 3 write this on page 36 of your interactive notebook Finish foldable (45% grade)
TLW describe geologic time and how rocks, fossils and ice cores have helped develop that time scale by creating a foldable outlining the major eras, participating in the 4 corners and timeline activities and writing a summary of today’s activity in his/her notebook
5.01 Interpret ways in which rocks, fossils, and ice cores record Earth's geologic history and the evolution of life including: – Geologic Time Scale. – Index Fossils. – Law of Superposition. – Unconformity. – Evidence for climate change. – Extinction of species. – Catastrophic events.
5.02 Correlate evolutionary theories and processes Biological Geological Technological 5.03 Examine evidence that the geologic evolution of earth has had significant global impact including: Distribution of living things Major geological events Mechanical and Chemical Weathering
The surface of the earth is constantly changing. The same process that changed the earth millions of years ago: weathering, erosion, volcanic and earthquake activity, plate movements, deposition are at work changing it today. This constant cycle of building up and tearing down due to these processes is called UNIFORMITARIANISM Uniform……same
UNIFORMITARIANISM Uniform……as in “same” When you wear a uniform, you look the same as everyone else.
Life on Earth has a history of change called evolution. Evolution is illustrated in a Geologic Time Scale. The Geologic Time Scale is a calendar of Earth’s history based on fossil evidence found in rocks and ice cores. THE DIFFERENT TIME FRAMES ARE DIVIDED BY MAJOR EVENTS, NOT RANDOM DATES Divisions in the scale are distinguished by the organisms that lived during each time period. Fossils provide the evidence.
Geologic Time Scale Flip Book Paleozoic Era Mesozoic Era Cenozoic Era Geologic Time Scale Precambrian Era oldest youngest
On the back of the foldable: The geologic time scale/line shows that an enormous diversity of organisms has existed on Earth. The dividing lines for the eras came about due to the fossil evidence of mass extinctions of old forms of life and mass radiations of new forms of life. These major events mark the beginning and ending of eras.
For each era: 3 facts about that era (include events that mark the beginning or end of the era) illustration of two organisms from that era 1 interesting fact Each era’s page must be “decorated” to represent the climate/environment of the earth at that time You will use: text book, section 2.3 printed web articles video
Page 35 of notebook Summarize today’s lesson, include the 4 corners activity and the time line activity in the hallway