BR: Please get out your research boxes. Place them on your desk. I will check them. Today: Fill Your Research Boxes Get a biography template Watch the video, do the guide Put things in research boxes 2/24/12
Details - This assignment is worth 450 points - The end product will only be worth 100 points. The other 350 points will be made up of assignments connected to the end product.This assignment is worth 450 points - The end product will only be worth 100 points. The other 350 points will be made up of assignments connected to the end product. –Research Boxes: 50 each –Final Book: 100 (50 Points Text, 50 Points Pictures/Captions) –Other Assignments: 50 –Work Cited Page: 50 Must be in “book format” – with a coverMust be in “book format” – with a cover 5 (book sized) pages of text (I’ll give you a template)5 (book sized) pages of text (I’ll give you a template) 1 page per chapter1 page per chapter Pages must be typedPages must be typed 5 illustrations with captions (1 illustration per chapter)5 illustrations with captions (1 illustration per chapter) Must have a Work Cited PageMust have a Work Cited Page –Must have 3 written sources (books, magazines) –Must have 5 “other” sources (internet, movies) You will have time to work on it in class and will be responsible for daily status reports/exit slipsYou will have time to work on it in class and will be responsible for daily status reports/exit slips
Work Cited Page Is a record of every source you usedIs a record of every source you used Each source should be numberEach source should be number “Work Cited” should be underlined and centered in the page“Work Cited” should be underlined and centered in the page You should use MLA bibliographic citationYou should use MLA bibliographic citation
Sources Text Chapter 4Text Chapter 4Text Chapter 4Text Chapter 4 Text Chapter 5Text Chapter 5Text Chapter 5Text Chapter 5 Engineering an Empire VideoEngineering an Empire Video “Alexander” Video“Alexander” Video Web SourcesWeb Sources – – ople.html
Due Date! – Wednesday, February 29! Homework: Begin draft of your books 1.Take your research boxes and decide what you want to put into each chapter 2.Find pictures. 3.Use the template to get an idea of what the book should look like We will work on the book in class on Monday!