To lay a proper FOUNDATION for our study – we will spend THREE messages in the section of CHAPTER 1:1-18. READ THE TEXT TODAY – Chapter 1:1-18 Have you ever read the last chapter of a book first? We find out what happens in the end, but you sure lose the CONTEXT! There are many “Schools of Interpretation” – to this book! We will not study Revelation according to “Scofield” or “Hal Lindsey” or “Tim LaHaye” and Left Behind. Our study will be – contextual, Biblical, reverent, prayerful and thoughtful. Where I express my “learned opinions” – I will tell you.
FOUR KEYS TO PROPERLY INTERPRETING REVELATION KEY NUMBER ONE – Verse 1:19 - TWO MAJOR DIVISIONS OF THE BOOK - Now (John’s Day) and later (Our day)! Illustration – the Lampstands - Helpful in understanding Chapters 2 and 3, but also helpful in understanding Chapter 11, which is often misunderstood and a source of controversy among Bible students.
FOUR KEYS TO PROPERLY INTERPRETING REVELATION KEY NUMBER TWO – We must understand that the “What is to come…” the “future” portions of Revelation (Chapters 6-22)… are NOT IN PERFECT, CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! But rather a series of vignettes (short scenes from a continuing story). These vignettes are centered primarily around the 3 sets of 7 “Judgments.” 1.The 7 Seals 2. The 7 Trumpets 3. The 7 Bowls
FOUR KEYS TO PROPERLY INTERPRETING REVELATION THE SEALS - A general unfolding of History – The Lamb (Jesus) has the Scroll (History of the World) and HE…unlocks the seals… The section of the seals ends with a “rapture” picture and a gathering around the Throne of God in Heaven. THE TRUMPETS – a more focused look at end-time generation phenomena. “Trumpets” in the O.T. were always a sign of warning or alarm that something was near, or the King was approaching! This section also concludes with a “rapture” picture and a Throne gathering. THE BOWLS – God’s wrath poured out. Like Noah, Sodom, Egypt.
FOUR KEYS TO PROPERLY INTERPRETING REVELATION KEY NUMBER THREE – Understand that the book of Revelation is … THE BOOK OF THE LAMB! Chapter 1 – The WORDS of the Lamb. Chapters 2-3 – The WARNINGS of the Lamb. Chapters 4-5 – The WORSHIP of the Lamb. Chapters 6-18 – The WRATH of the Lamb /the TRIBULATION of the World. Chapters – The WAR of the Lamb. Chapter 20 – The (Great) WHITE Throne of the Lamb. Chapters – The WONDERS of and WORSHIP of the Lamb in Glory! Not… about “isms” and “schisms” and “times and dates!”
FOUR KEYS TO PROPERLY INTERPRETING REVELATION KEY NUMBER FOUR - You MUST be Saved and Serious! SERIOUS – for Christians….Students of the Word, faithful in Prayer and consistent in your Walk. This book is HOLY and promises a BLESSING! SAVED - Look at verse THREE again… THE TIME IS NEAR!