$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Compounds Sentence Types Other SubjectsPredicates
What is a verb phrase? Write an example on your paper. FINAL JEOPARDY C1 final
Two or more verbs in a sentence where at least one is a helping/linking verb
Honeybees gather nectar in the flowers. What is the simple subject of this sentence? C1 $100
Honeybees C1 $100
Who is the subject of the following sentence? Take out your GUM book. C1 $200
You C1 $200
What is the simple subject in this sentence? Mosquito bites are very itchy. C1 $300
Bites C1 $300
Find the complete subject of this sentence: The sun is much bigger than all the other planets. C1 $400
The sun C1 $400
The complete subject in a sentence includes … C1 $500
All the words that tell whom or what the sentence is about C1 $500
C2 $100 Includes the verb and ALL of the words that tell what the subject is or what the subject does. This is the definition for…
C2 $100 Complete Predicate
C2 $200 What is the simple predicate in the following sentence? Stars twinkle in the sky at night.
C2 $200 Twinkle
C2 $300 Legends are a popular kind of folktale. Does this sentence contain an action verb or a linking verb?
C2 $300 Linking verb ARE
C2 $400 The waves lapped against the shore. The boldfaced words are examples of a)Complete Subject b)Complete Predicate c)Simple Predicate, or verb
C2 $400 b) Complete Predicate
C2 $500 That orchestra is playing all over the world. What is the simple predicate in this sentence?
C2 $500 is playing
C3 $100 Popcorn and soft drinks are on sale at the stand. a)Compound Verb b)Compound Subject
C3 $100 Compound Subject
C3 $200 What is the compound verb in this sentence? Sometimes we try but fail.
C3 $200 try but fail
C3 $300 The restaurants and beaches were crowded with tourists. Name the compound subject.
C3 $300 restaurants and beaches
C3 $400 Two or more subjects that share the same verb is known as…
C3 $400 Compound Subject
C3 $500 What is a compound verb?
C3 $500 Two or more verbs that share the same subject.
C4 $100 Pass the milk please. Interrogative or Imperative?
C4 $100 Imperative
C4 $200 Is the bus here yet? Interrogative or Declarative?
C4 $200 Interrogative
C4 $300 I got a puppy! What type of sentence is this?
C4 $300 Exclamatory
C4 $400 This type of sentence tells or asks someone to do something. IT usually ends with a period, but may end with an exclamation point.
C4 $400 Imperative Sentence
C4 $500 What is a declarative sentence?
C4 $500 A declarative sentence tells a statement. It always ends with a period.
C5 $100 What are the conjunctions?
C5 $100 and, or, but
C5 $200 The police officer gave the driver a warning. Driver is an example of… A direct or indirect object?
C5 $200 Indirect
C5 $300 Is this sentence a fragment or a run-on? Watched the fireworks in the night sky.
C5 $300 Fragment
C5 $400 Identify if the sentence is complete, fragment or run-on. You walk too slowly, come on.
C5 $400 Run-on
C5 $500 True or false… The boldfaced word is a direct object. The tornado destroyed several houses.
C5 $500 True
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