Children’s Trust Board Children, Young People and Families Plan
Nottinghamshire Children’s Trust
Children, Young People and Families Plan: Identifies how the Children’s Trust meets its statutory duty to cooperate to promote children’s well-being (in the Children Act 2004) Developed prior to the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board and the Health and Social Care Act 2012 Based around seven Priorities, each with an annually refreshed action plan The Children’s Trust board receives six-monthly performance reports for each priority, from Integrated Commissioning Groups or a lead manager.
Children, Young People and Families Plan: Priorities Early Help Safeguarding Services for disabled children Child and family poverty Educational attainment gap at all key stages Achievement at age and the employment of young adults aged Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing
Integrated Commissioning Priorities Children, Young People and Families Plan: /14 Annual Refresh RECOMMENDATIONS Partnership Priorities achievement and employment for young adults Closing the Educational Gaps Child Poverty Children’s Trust Board Work Plan Teenage Pregnancy ICG Youth Justice Board Troubled Families Group Locality Management Groups Disabled Children & SEN ICG CAMHS ICG Education Trust Board Emotional Wellbeing Disabled Children Early Help Partnership Child Poverty Reference Group Children’s Trust Board Work Plan NSCB MASH Steering Group Safeguarding
Children, Young People and Families Plan: /14 Annual Refresh RECOMMENDATIONS Seven priorities (unchanged): Key actions for 2013/14 have been taken from the Children’s Trust Board Work Plan and identified by Integrated Commissioning Sub-groups Children’s Trust priorities and key actions have been included in the development of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy refresh for 2013/14 Updated outcomes frameworks for performance monitoring: Nottinghamshire Children and Young People Outcomes Framework –Set of key outcomes –Set of supplementary performance indicators Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Local Outcomes Framework –Set of key outcomes (selected from National Outcomes Framework) –Set of supporting local performance indicators The national set of indicators for children and young people has not been published but recommend that children and young people’s key outcomes are included in the Local Outcomes Framework (possibly as supporting local indicators)
CYPF Plan : progress monitoring Children’s Trust Board will receive: Quarterly performance dashboard showing latest information on key outcomes and supplementary performance indicators Quarterly progress update on Early Help Strategy and Locality Management Groups activities Six-monthly narrative performance reports from Integrated Commissioning Groups / Joint Commissioning Unit Updates from other groups as requested for specific initiatives. Children’s Trust Board will provide updates to : NCC Children and Young People’s Committee the Health and Wellbeing Board Implementation Group
Discussion Two supporting documents: DISCUSSION DRAFT Commissioning Priorities and Outcomes/Performance Indicators: 2013/14 (A3 document) Children’s Trust Board Work Plan 2013/14 (A4 document) Are these the right actions and performance indicators? Are there any amendments or additions?
CYPF Plan CYPF Plan Three Year Strategy Vision and priorities for children, young people and families CYPF Annual Action Plans Commissioning Intentions Key Actions CYPF Outcomes Framework Key Outcome Indicators Supplementary Performance Indicators Received by: NCC CYP Committee Health and Wellbeing Implementation Group Approved by: NCC CYP Committee Health and Wellbeing Strategy Health and Wellbeing Local Outcomes Framework Approved by: NCC Policy Committee Health and Wellbeing Board Six-monthly / Annual Progress Reports Quarterly Performance Dashboard
Refresh actions and outcomes framework Developing CYPF Plan Qtr 1 (Apr - Jun)Qtr 2 (July - Sept)Qtr 3 (Oct - Dec)Qtr 4 (Jan - Mar)Qtr 1 (Apr-Jun) CYPF Plan ( ) refresh for 12/13 New CYPF Plan for Updated Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2014 onwards Preparatory work, refresh of JSNA Develop new priorities Develop new priorities / outcomes framework JUNE JSNA(cyp) Executive Summary published JUNE HWB/ ICG Workshop OCT CT Board confirms priorities JULY - SEPT Collate feedback from: Children/young people Locality Management Groups JULY Children’s Trust Stakeholder Workshop Consultation Confirm actions and outcomes framework JULY Final approval and publication HWB Direction/ Priorities confirmed Develop commissioning intentions / key actions Confirm children & young people outcomes framework MAY Final approval and publication
Discussion Is this process feasible? Does it fit with all partners commissioning cycles? Does it include all activities needed?