Key Stage One Miss Bromley Year 1 Teacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Miss Simcock Year 2 Teacher and Foundation Stage & Key Stage One Leader
Responsibilities in Key Stage One We encourage the children to be responsible for their belongings All children are expected to bring in their water bottle, reading book and reading diary every day Homework is given out each Friday and needs to be returned by Thursday (In Year 1 this will start after Christmas) Library books are chosen on a Friday and are to be returned the following Friday (books will not be changed during the week)
Speaking and Listening It is still very important to talk to your child about the world around them Use phonics and high frequency word knowledge to read signs in different environments Encourage children to read signs when you are walking or out in the car, e.g. How many miles to Hanley?
Key Stage One – Reading Enjoy reading together! Encourage reading to be a fun and positive experience Big impact if children are read with every night, even if it is only a few pages Just as important to have a discussion about the text Encourage your child to use their phonics knowledge if they have a new word that is phonetically plausible in their book, e.g. pancake Support children with new high frequency words that are not phonetically plausible, e.g. laughed, but then encourage them to remember that word if it appears again in the book and in future books Please write a short comment in their reading diary as this really helps us to create a bigger picture of their knowledge and application of skills
Reading Strategies to support your child Use phonics knowledge to blend new words Read on past the unfamiliar word to the end of the sentence and see which word would make sense Words within words – compound words, e.g. football, toothbrush Look at the illustration as the picture often gives clues Encourage your child to read with expression taking account of punctuation Inference questioning – what is the story telling us? Questions about the structure of the text – features of non-fiction texts, e.g. contents and index pages
Key Stage One – Reading Greenways green book bags Phonetically decodable books Phonics files
Key Stage One - Writing It doesn’t matter what children are writing about as long as they are writing! Encourage children to write in full sentences and read their work to check it Encourage children to have a go at writing new words, using their phonics knowledge It is important that children form letters correctly as this will help them when they begin to join letters
Developing your child’s writing VCOP Use interesting vocabulary Use punctuation correctly Correct tense Checking work Write lots of different text types, e.g. lists, instructions, stories, recounts, etc…
Key Stage One - Maths Reading numbers in the environment – signs, house numbers, price tags, helping to pay at a till It is important that children recognise coins and understand their values Please support your child to tell the time (starting with o’clock and half past) Calculations Policy – there will be a new calculation policy - this will support you with the strategies that we use in each year group Number lines, 100 squares Basic skills – number bonds to 10 and 20, counting in twos, fives and tens, multiplication tables – 2, 5 and 10 followed by 4, 8, 3 and 6
Key Stage One - Maths Practical skills – measuring Place value – hundreds, tens and units Applying these skills when solving problems
Year One Phonics Screening Check Government looking closely at the importance of early reading Purely decoding words No high frequency words or comprehension knowledge included Statutory To get an idea of phonics knowledge but will not test all of phonics that is taught up to the end of Year 1 (will cover all of this in 4 years) Therefore is just a snapshot of your child’s ability Administered during June 2016
Year One Phonics Screening Check Test/check not mentioned to the children We always talk about phonics games, challenges, etc… All children will complete the test with the teacher Will be a familiar situation as we do lots of phonics work and 1:1 40 words 20 real words and 20 pseudo words Pseudo words will have an alien alongside them
After the check You will be informed about your child’s mark on their report and if they performed above or below the threshold Children who perform below the threshold will be checked again in Year 2
Resources Pen Pals letter formation sheet Questions to help your child’s comprehension Phonics Play website – excellent website that can be used as a resource for phonics games
Please do not hesitate to speak to us about any questions or concerns that you may have We want the very best for every child in Key Stage One and appreciate all of your support
Any questions?