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Latin America: A Potential Translation & Localization Power House By Charles Campbell President, spanishbackoffice SA
An overview of the market, the players, and the trends A volatile, incipient and exciting market A handful of small & medium sized dynamic translation and localization companies characterized by: Hardworking, talented and gutsy management (cojones) Low profile: sales by Internet/ Dependence on language industry clients Very little full scale localization
Translation, Editing, Proofreading Project Management DTP Software TestingOthers??? Localization Proprietary Products ? The services provided:
Our largely undeveloped potential: Culturally rich and diverse countries Education: free universities in Argentina (!!!) Comparatively low costs Time zone compatibility with North America Strong established translation and publishing industries Steadily growing local software industry Lots of translators (!)
A comparison with Eastern Europe: Where are the Moravias, Skrivaneks and Argos of Latin America? Eastern Europe emerged from dictatorship only 16 years ago but has quickly prospered (generally speaking). Why? It is Europe after all – short distances to clients Strong exact sciences and analytical focus at universities Multilingual region Sustained investment from Western Europe and the US
What is holding us back? Few “real” companies Very few quality project management/localization training events Almost no cooperation with government, software companies, universities and other localization companies & professionals Very little inter disciplinary cooperation with desk top publishers, engineers, programmers, localizers, etc. No industry organization
Cooperation !!! Translation & Localization Companies Freelancers Software Industry Universities (public / private) Industry Organizations If we don’t all hang together, we will surely all hang separately
A look forward to 2016: Questions to ask ourselves: What if the peso revalues? What if more multinationals like Moravia set up offices in Latin America? What if server-based solutions and GMS systems replace in the box software? What if rates continue to slide downwards? What if quality translators/localizers get even harder to find? What if the tax authorities (AFIP etc.) get serious about income remittance and employment taxes for subcontractors?
A look forward to 2016: Is this as good as it gets? No! The future is bright, ¡animémonos a más!