G040: Lecture 09 Communication Commentaries Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher
Session Objectives Understand what evidence needs to be produced for task b(iv),
Overview Task biv) requires you to evaluate your performance whilst producing your 6 communications, Producing a communication commentary for each communication as you go along is a handy way of doing this and if done correctly provides plenty of evidence for mark band 3, What you need for each communication: Draft VersionsCommentaryFinal VersionPlan
Commentary Layout Section #1: Audience and purpose Needs to be a clear statement of the purpose and audience of the document you are creating, Section #2: Developing to suit purpose and audience Strengths and weaknesses of each draft, How each draft has been refined to suit the audience and purpose. Section #3: Final Version Strengths and weaknesses of final version, How does the document meet audience and purpose (screen shot readability statistics as evidence), How can the document be improved, Software features used (may be appropriate to include screen shots).
Section #4: Your performance How could you improve the way your worked whilst completing this task. Section #5: Evidence of Software Features Screen shots of less obvious software features used e.g. templates, automation, sound, video Section #6: Evidence of Adapting Information Few selected screen shots showing how information has been adapted and combined. For example - a picture may have been cropped, re- coloured and merged with other images to create a logo. Prints of the original images and the final logo should provide adequate evidence in this case. Section #7: Bibliography A detailed list of sources used – needs to include both electronic and non electronic documents, Notes about how each source is used – if any have been adapted this is very useful perhaps include before and after screen shots.
Readability You can use Word to check that your communications are suitable for the intended audience by showing the readability statistics for the communication, To show this you need check the box “show readability statistics” in the spell check options.
Flesch Reading Ease score Rates text on a 100-point scale; the higher the score, the easier it is to understand the communication. For most standard documents, aim for a score of approximately 60 to 70. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score Rates text on a U.S. grade-school level (Add one to the score to convert to UK school years). For example, a score of 8.0 means that an eighth grader (year 9 in UK or yr old) can understand the communication. For most standard communications, aim for a score of approximately 7.0 to 8.0. Only word offers this facility – for communications created in other software copy and paste the text into word.
Bibliography Lists all the sources of information used when creating your communications, The purpose is to allow somebody else to find the same information as you – it also allows people to ensure copyright hasn’t been breached! What you need to record: Books: Author, Date Published, Title, Publisher, Where Published Websites: Author, Date Published, Webpage Title, Full URL Other publications: See web link. Useful Link: Help sheet on my website Link to find out when a webpage was last updated
Proof Reading Communications Proofreading is for eliminating spelling and grammar errors in your work. There is a set of common symbols you could use when checking your work, These are shown on the next slide.
no paragraph begin new paragraph a space needed here close up this space transpose elements delete use a period here use double quotation marks insert something apostrophe or single quotation mark insert a comma ExampleMeaningSymbol
Reference Exercise Answers UK Government (2009) “UK Government Digital Television” Accessed On: 06/04/ Wikipedia (2009) "Digital television – Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia” Accessed On: 06/04/ How Stuff Works (2009)”HowStuffWorks – “How Do DVDs Work”” Accessed On: 06/04/ GSM-Technology.COM (2009) “SMS FAQ” technology.com/gsm.php/en,unlock,itlskel_pgid,user_templates,subpage_id, smsfaq,user_tpl,multicom_info,usersub_tpl,contact.html: Accessed On: 06/04/2009http:// technology.com/gsm.php/en,unlock,itlskel_pgid,user_templates,subpage_id, smsfaq,user_tpl,multicom_info,usersub_tpl,contact.html Waelder P. (2009) “Interview with Steve Slacks” Accessed On: 06/04/ McGrath, M. (16 April 2006) “Javascript in Easy Steps 3rd Revised edition.” Computer Step Kaufeld, J. (10 Oct 2003) “Access 2003 for Dummies (For Dummies)” John Wiley & Sons