Sentence or Fragment I pads cool Finally, I bought an I pad. When I went outside in the rain. I got soaked.
What’s a Phrase? A phrase will not contain a subject and verb Example: Sitting in the corner by the desk Example: In the corner by the desk Example: Over there
What’s a Clause? A clause will contain both a subject and a verb. A clause can be either: 1. dependent (fragment/ cannot stand alone) Examples (dependent): Because he was sitting in the corner If I eat tomatoes 2. independent (can stand alone as a sentence) Examples (independent): He was sitting in the corner. I eat tomatoes.
Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound- Complex Sentences Try using a variety of basic sentence structures. We can categorize sentences into four main types, depending on the number and type of clauses they contain: Simple (one independent clause): We drove from Connecticut to Tennessee in one day. Compound (more than one independent clause): We were exhausted, but we arrived in time for my father's birthday party. Complex (one independent clause and at least one dependent clause): Although he is now 79 years old, he still claims to be 65. Compound-complex (more than one independent clause and at least one dependent clause): After it was all over, my dad claimed he knew we were planning something, but we think he was really surprised.
Simple Sentences A simple sentence has one independent clause. Examples: Cats and dogs make good pets. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher. Other than cats, I am allergic to most animals.
Complex Sentences A Complex has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause: Examples: -When I turn 25, I will get a car. -I will get a car when I turn 25. -If you take the assessment test again, you may place into English 101. -You may place into English 101 if you go take the assessment test again.
Common subordinating conjunctions and the relationships they indicate: Cause / Effect: because, since, so that Comparison / Contrast: although, even though, though, whereas, while Place & Manner: how, however, where, wherever Possibility / Conditions: if, whether, unless Relation: that, which, who Time: after, as, before, since, when, whenever, while, until Knowing these subordinators is the key to eliminating fragments!
Subordinating conjunctions do three things: join two sentences together make one of the sentences dependent on the other for a complete thought (make one a dependent clause) indicate a logical relationship
Compound Sentences A compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). Examples: The wind grew fierce, and several trees fell. Whales must breathe air, or they will drown.
Why recognize compound sentences? Why is this important to my writing? Coordinating conjunctions signify the relationship between two independent clauses (IC), allowing the writer to specify meaning. Example: Myriam Marquez agrees it is rude to speak another language if it leaves someone out who does not understand, yet she also points out this does not mean one must entirely stop speaking their language in all public places.
Compound sentences use coordinating conjunctions: For And Nor But Or Yet So
How do the two ideas logically relate to each other? Coordinating Conjunctions Addition and Opposition, Contrast, Concession but, yet Cause for Result or Effect so Choice, Option, Alternative or, nor