BTEC Creative Media Production UNIT: 2 TASK 3
Learning Intentions To understand the principles of written communication To know how to make an effective production documentation To know how to use correct vocabulary To know how to revise written work
YOUR TASK Your task is to create written documents for you idea for your FILM. These will include: A proposal A Treatment A Storyboard
WRITTEN COMMUNICATION You need to make sure that all of these documents are fit for purpose and free from errors. Your written communication must be clear and concise. It must make sense and be in a production context. You should make sure you spell check your work and proof read it making sure it is professional.
Production documentation Production documentation covers all the production paperwork. All industry sectors have their own different sets of required paperwork to help ensure the production process runs smoothly. You will need to fill out some of this paperwork by hand and will not always be able to rely on the computer software to do the work for you.
PROPOSAL A proposal is a document that explains your idea to a potential client or customer. See page 44 for an example
TREATMENT A treatment is the initial outline of your proposed production, providing details of scenes, characters and locations. See example given out by your teacher
STORY BOARD A storyboard will help you production by showing the scenes the shots of makes up the film or game. See example:
VOCABULARY When writing your work you written vocabulary should be professional at all times. You should stay away from words like don’t and couldn't you should use ‘do not’ and ‘could not’
REVISION Checking through your work and ensuring that it is fit for purpose and ready to be submitted for assessment is essential. You should: Check the structure of the content. Does it make sense? Is everything in the right order? Clarity of expression relates to how well you have made your point and in what way. Is it clear what you have written? Electronic checks on your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Proofreading is then essential. Read through your work and find errors that electronic check may not pick up.