J.Zhang a, S.H.Cho b, and J.M.Seo b a Department of Physics, Yunnan University, Kunming ,P.R.China b Department of Physics, Chonbuk National University, Chonju , Korea Growth and disorder of Ag nanowires on Si(5 5 12)-21 surface Growth and disorder of Ag nanowires on Si(5 5 12)-2 1 surface Structure of clean Si(5 5 12)-2 1 Steps and kinks on clean Si(5 5 12)-2 1 Growth of Ag nanowires on Si(5 5 12)-2 1 Contents
Side view of the silicon crystal lattice between the (001) and (111) planes (hhk) degree L(nm) (5 5 12) = (337) x 2 + (225) (7 7 17) = (337) + (225)
Structural model of Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface [-110] [66-5] (5 5 12) (7 7 17) dimer
STM images of clean Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface Reconstruction: Cooling down at ~2 C /sec. from 700 C to RT Filled-state STM image: I= 0.6nA, Bias = -2.5V, Rotation= 30 Topography 200Å×200Å [ ] [ ] 2 1 unit cell 0.77×5.35nm Error signal 200Å×200Å [ ] [ ] π -chains Tetramer
3-D STM image of clean Si(5 5 12)-2×1 (5 5 12) = 2×(3 3 7) + (2 2 5) = (3 3 7) + (7 7 17) 200Å×200Å (5 5 12) -chains tetramers (337) (225) (337)’ extra (337) (7 7 17) adsorbed dimers [ ] [ ]
Steps and kinks on Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface Error signal: 1000Å × 1000Å Error signal: 350Å × 350Å [ ] [ ] Si(1 1 3) Lower terrace Upper terrace Step A Step B Step A
Wide Si(7 7 17) domain parasitic on Si(5 5 12) surface 500Å 500Å (5 5 12) (7 7 17) step (5 5 12) [66-5] [-110] Lower terrace upper terrace
Topography 100 Å x 100 Å T D T Error signal 100 Å x 100 Å T D T T D T T D T File name : HDF File name : HDF Comparison of topography and error signal images of Si(7 7 17)
Double step fabrication of Ag nanowires Ag rows 500Å×500Å [-110] [66-5] Ag rows Si(5 5 12) For lower coverage(<0.1ML) Experimental Ag deposited on Si(5 5 12)-2 1 Anneal(double steps): C, 10min C RT, 36min Ag row growth Ag rows grew uniformly Ag row distribution not even Ag induced a new reconstruction Ag rows on Si(5 5 12) : 0.03ML
Comparison of clean Si(7 7 17) and Ag:Si(7 7 17) system Clean Si(7 7 17) Ag : Si(7 7 17) system tetramer rows (7 7 17) (225) (337) (225) (7 7 17) Ag chains 0.1ML 2×2× 3×3× disorder
STS of Ag nanowires on Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface
Si(111)-7×7 surface measured by STM.
STM image and simulation for Ga 6 /Si(111)-7×7 surface +1.6 eV J.F.Jia, Phys. Rev. Lett.
5000Å X 5000Å 4277Å X 4277Å 5000Å X 5000Å [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Steps on clean Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface 120º
Steps on clean Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface 5000ÅX5000Å 12000ÅX12000Å 10000ÅX10000Å a b c Flashing T max : C Reconstruction T max : C Bass pressure:(a)1.1x mb;(b)(c) 2.6x mb
Steps and kinks on clean Si(5 5 12)-2 1 surface
Step flows on clean Si(5 5 12)-2 1 surface
Si(001) 邻晶面上的两种台面和台阶
Kinetics: Layer-by-Layer Growth DiffusionNucleationGrowth - High Flux - Low Temperature - Low Step Density
Kinetics: Step-Flow Growth DiffusionStickingFlow - Low Flux - High Temperature - High Step Density
Step flow: A 2D analog of 3D growth
Breakdown of Step Flow Growth
Summary Nano Scale --- minimizing elastic strain energy self-organization of steps (quantum wires) and islands (quantum dots) Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface Ag nanowires on Si(5 5 12)-2×1 surface form along tetramer rows where the binding energy is relatively low 1D Ag nanowires with disorder structuers show metal-insulator transition (Anderson effect)