Virtual Reference Assessment: Gathering User Input Kathleen M. Dreyer August 19, 2009
Why we did it We wanted to answer the following questions about our current virtual reference service: Are our users satisfied with the service they receive via IM? Why do our users prefer IM as a mode of communication? What time of day time of day would our users prefer to use IM? Is our IM service easy to use? Are there technological barriers? How do our users use IM in their daily lives? Who do our users expect to be on the receiving end of the IM service? What would an ideal IM service be for our users? See the full Virtual Reference Assessment report!!!!Virtual Reference Assessment report [Recommendations from past readers: “a page turner!”; “I could not put it down!”; “makes assessment fun!”; “great summer reading!”]
What we did Online survey Major themes from survey responses [not a representative sample] Nearly half of the respondents were graduate students (age: 22-29) The majority of respondents found the Libraries’ IM service through the Libraries’ website An overwhelming majority of respondents were very satisfied with the service they received via IM Many respondents want the IM service to be open more hours, particularly later in the evening
What we did... Four focus groups with non users Some of the major themes: Customer service is important Referrals are not always appreciated; want an immediate answer Easy access to IM is important Want more hours
How we are using it Assessment has shown that we need to create a more robust service. The Reference Coordinating Committee will be forming a small working group in September to examine the report and make official recommendations to the Associate University Librarian of Collections and Services. The group will be specifically looking at extending hours, and providing seamless access for users possibly with new software.