NovemberA. Diez The Spanish regulation of the educational system: an overview Constitutional Law: 1978(Constitutional development:) o Right of Education Law: 1985 individual’s rights participation in ruling the schools dual system: public and private institutions o General Law of the Educational system: 2006 o Qualifications and Professional Formation Law: 2002 o Attribution of competences: The State The Lands (17 autonomic lands)
NovemberA. Diez Some problems… The increase of population (Catalonia: 6 million to 7,5 million) The immigration phenomenon (Catalonia: 15 %, increasing) The adaptation to technological changes (and the school tradition) The legal changes: o General Laws: 1970, 1990, 2002, 2006 A certain perception of failure
NovemberA. Diez Some real facts… The increase of economic development The integration in Europe (the adaptation to the European citizenship and the application of the European Council criteria: Lisbon, Bologna… ) Educational investments: o More and best educational facilities o Teacher’s formation 100 % population integrated in schools (from 3 years to 16 years old) The claims to the school: full education
NovemberA. Diez Some tendencies… More autonomy for school decisions (but within an extensive regulation) o pedagogical, organizational, economical… Progressive application of new technologies (Informatics in the classroom) The model of the comprehensive school (from 3 years to 16 years old) (general curricula and individual curriculum) Extension of technical studies
NovemberA. Diez Some thoughts… Parents have their own role and responsibility Statistics are related to Institutions more than to people Students are people first of all o 1) focus on the person o 2) instruct the student The success or failure of the students is related to the personal expectations
NovemberA. Diez Vilafranca del Penedès population (approx.) 18 % immigration in schools (compulsory level) (from North Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, …) (immigration is a new phenomenon, all schools are affected) Public (65 %) and private (35 %) schools: o Nursery, Child, o Compulsory level: Primary, Secondary, o Not compulsory: High Secondary, Professional, o Others studies: Music, Languages, Arts, Adults
NovemberA. Diez Diversified curriculum at the secondary school All the schools can apply it to the students (12 – 16 years old) There are several possibilities of a different curriculum (the rule is adaptation to the group) The goal is to make the capacity of the student fit with the main competences fixed in the official curriculum (the schools are guided by experts) Statistics show that from 65 % to 85 % of the students finish the compulsory level and obtain a certificate
NovemberA. Diez Open Classrooms It is a strong option of a diversified curriculum In Catalonia there is an important number of schools with this modality: o in particular, public schools o in collaboration with the local administration o an experience increasing since 10 years ago o normally, one group of students not more than 20 students (15-16 years old) participation is voluntary curriculum implies contact with real businesses in all the cases, the perception is positive (by the schools, families, and students besides academic results)
NovemberA. Diez Open Classrooms in Vilafranca del Penedès The 3 public secondary schools have this option, called MAP Classrooms: o IES Milà I Fontanals o IES Eugeni d’Ors, o IES Alt Penedès The formula is: o motivation + responsibility + personal attention The method is: o Productive Learning Results are highly satisfactory You have today the opportunity to know directly this experience…