1 SCS Building Committee
2 The SCS Building Committee Members: Guy Blelloch Randy Bryant Sharon Burks Peter Lee Jim Skees Manuela Veloso
3 Met weekly since October, 2004 Discussed space needs, lab space, collaborative spaces, flexibility, classrooms, transparency, technology, … Taken two surveys Online survey had 320 participants Visited over 30 buildings on 15+ campuses Met with various people about their experience
4 The Program
5 Program Space (205K GSF) Undergraduate Core for SCS (18K NSF) 12K Classrooms/Cluster 5K Offices for teaching staff/TAs/UG Orgs. 1K Undergraduate lounge Research (97K NSF) 57K Offices 22K Project rooms (labs) 16K Common spaces 4K Auditorium – possibly dual use Dean’s suite (3K NSF) Planetary Robotics (5K NSF) Assuming 60% efficiency
6 Space Breakdown
8 Open Issues Needs to be verified by architects Mix of project room sizes How much of project room allocation to put towards “collaborative workspaces” How much to put toward small machine rooms? Large machine room? Dual use of auditorium as classroom? Atrium/Lobby as NSF or GSF?
9 Program Goals : Site
10 Program Goals : Site 1. Indoor above grade Connection to NSH Our School is very integrated Maintain interactions Maintain space flexibility Maintain shared services
11 Program Goals : Site Survey found that the bridge between Wean and NSH is the most important feature of NSH 1. Indoor above grade Connection to NSH
12 Program Goals : Site 2. Easy Connection to the Cut Good connection to UC and East Campus
13 Program Goals : Site 2. Easy Connection to the Cut Improve access from other West Campus buildings to East Campus
14 Program Goals : Site Create a Pathway to Craig from East Campus 2. Easy Connection to the Cut
15 Program Goals : Site Campus Tour 2. Easy Connection to the Cut
16 Program Goals : Site 3. Visitor’s entrance on Forbes
17 Program Goals : Site 3. Visitor’s entrance on Forbes
18 Program Goals : Site 4. Accessible Undergraduate “core”
19 Dorms U Center 4. Accessible Undergraduate “core”
20 Classes (# of seats) 4. Accessible Undergraduate “core”
21 Program Goals : Site Avoid too much traffic through research space Research 4. Accessible Undergraduate “core”
22 Program Goals : Site 5. Create a “quad” with greenspace(s)
23 Program Goals : Site Lots of light and reasonable views 5. Create a “quad” with greenspace(s)
24 Program Goals : Site 6. Underground Parking
25 Program Goals : Building A building for people, not machines.
26 Program Goals : Building 1. Collaborative Workspaces Open small group work areas In research space In teaching space Cornell UIUC
27 Program Goals : Building 1. Collaborative Workspaces Outdoor spaces Open project areas Cornell UIUC Ohio State Bridges Cafe
28 Program Goals : Building All “people” spaces have natural light U. Washington 2. Natural Light Atrium Labs Student Offices Faculty Offices Services
29 Program Goals : Building 2. Natural Light Ohio State Chicago
30 Program Goals : Building 3. “Transparency” From conference room project area Faculty offices classrooms Library hallway Work area Needs to be carefully balanced with privacy.
31 Program Goals : Building Other Goals Support and display our “culture” Flexibility – perhaps raised floor plenum Individual control of temperature Faculty on main hallways Support various forms of grouping Avoid ugly dropped ceilings
32 Kitchen printer Faculty Support Staff Students, Research Staff, Visitors Project Rooms 18’ 16’ 15’ 12’ 10’ Collaborative Workroom Secondary secure hallway main hallway Glass