The Long Cable Company By: Jason Chukwu and Richard Chow
The Long Cable Company Small own family business Manufactures and sells small small cable and electronic equipment. Have Staff strength of 10 people.
Trading Partners Canadian Tire And others Investigating having Home depot as one them
Current Transactions Have 54 transactions 18 Request for quotes 18 Response to Request for quotes 9 Purchase orders 9 Invoices
Problem Canadian Tire wants Long Cable Company to implement an EDI. Request For Quotes(RFQ’s) are becoming electronic. receive about 18 “Request For Quotes” per month from Canadian Tire, which result in an average of 9 purchase orders per month Home Depot currently uses EDI and Long Cable Company is considering entering a business project with them.
Strengths Availability of computer system currently in place. Two 389-based IBM- compatible PC microcomputers. Small company means that there are easier communication channels
The new system Service bureau Trading Partners The Cable company Trading Partners
How the system works Integration of the company infrastructure. Eg. accounting, quoting, and order entry. Assign 2 staff members to handle EDI system Subscribe to a service bureau Service bureau will handle EDI transactions due to the the limited amount of transactions. Pay per use. Pay per transaction.
Key Benefits Low costs and low risk since the amount of transactions depend on the amount of exchanges.
Future Considerations Should look to expand EDI capability actions required for business Consider possibility of VPN