Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 1 JEM MEIS INC Marangoni Experiment Inc19/20 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and disclosed to the receiving Cooperating agency and its contractors and sub contractors only for the purposes of fulfilling the cooperating agency’s responsibilities under the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It shall not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed or retransferred to any other entity or government without prior written permission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Instructor: Yuki Kawai Takuya Takami
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 2 Objectives After this lesson the trainee will be able to: Marangoni Experiment MS (Marangoni Surface) Marangoni Experiment Operations Overview Key point during Marangoni Experiment Operations Marangoni Experiment Operations Explain the science objective of Marangoni Experiment. List onboard outcomes from performing Marangoni Experiment. List three components of MS. Explain how liquid bridge is formed. List crew tasks regarding Marangoni Experiment. Explain what crew must check after assembling MS Core and MS Cassette to prevent fire during experiment. Explain what crew must pay attention to protective covers to prevent broken glass hazard. Identify the parts where crew must not damage nor contaminate. Explain what crew must check just before installation of MS into FPEF. Explain what crew must care during 3-D Camera focus adjustment. Explain what crew must not do while inserting MS Cassette into MS Core. Perform Marangoni Experiment tasks according to ODF.
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 3 Contents: - Marangoni Experiment - MS Architecture - MS Major Components - Marangoni Experiment Operations Overview - Key Points during Marangoni Experiment Operations - Acronyms Page Lesson Outline
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 4 The main purpose of Marangoni Experiment is to investigate the transition process to periodic, chaotic and turbulent flows of marangoni convection in a liquid bridge. Marangoni Experiment Experimental data (temperature, cooling disk position etc.) monitored by MS and FPEF (downlinked to ground via Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF)) Video Images taken by MS and FPEF (downlinked to ground via Image Processing Unit (IPU), and IPU VRU Disk will be returned to ground) Microgravity environment data taken by Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA). (downlinked to ground via Image Processing Unit (IPU)) Onboard Outcomes from the experiment
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 5 MS Architecture MS (Marangoni Surface) is one of FPEF Experiment Cell, and is able to generate Marangoni convection and measure surface velocity of liquid bridge. MS consists of three components. Crew member assemble/ disassemble MS. Install to FPEF Install to FPEF Liquid bridge formation part MS Body - has mechanical/ signal/ power interfaces with FPEF. - mounts Surface Velocity Measurement Equipment. -forms liquid bridge up to 60mm length and creates temperature gradient between heating disk and cooling disk. Heating disk: 90 deg C (maximum) Cooling disk: 5 deg C (minimum) MS Core MS Cassette -contains heating disk and cooling disk of 30mm in diameter. -has optical windows. -contains silicone oil (viscosity: 5cSt or 10cSt) with small particles/ photochromic dye. -crew exchanges MS Cassette as a unit. MS 30mm in diameter 60mm maximum liquid bridge
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 6 MS conceptual diagram for Liquid Bridge Surface Observation CCD Camera Light Source of GN2 Laser Mirror s, Prism Liquid Bridge MS Major Components Surface Velocity measurement equipment Light Source of GN2 Laser GN2 laser path CCD Camera LEDs are used as a backlight Colored spot - consists of GN2 laser, mirrors, prism, CCD camera, and LEDs. - irradiates GN2 laser beam to the surface of liquid bridge. - Liquid bridge which contains photochromic dye is colored when it is irradiated by GN2 laser. - observes the movement of the colored spot by CCD Camera to measure surface velocity.
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 7 MS Core MS Cassette Liquid Bridge Sample Pumped Heating Disk Cooling Disk Bellows for Sample Reservoir GAr Supply & Waste Gas Line Cooling Water Inlet & Outlet Peltier Device Motor Installation MS Cassette will be installed into MS Core. MS Major Components (Cont’d) Liquid bridge formation part QDs for cooling water QDs for gas lines Liquid bridge formation part MS Core MS Cassette MS CoreMS Cassette Liquid bridge formation part
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 8 Marangoni Experiment Inc20 Operations Overview :Crew operation necessary. :Ground operation. LEGEND: Install MS into FPEF Experiment Assemble MS (new MS Cassette) UDC/MMA Activation Remove MS from FPEF UDC/MMA Deactivation MMA Data AcquisitionIPU Video Downlink/Recording Disassemble MS MS Maintenance - O-ring exchange, cleaning etc. Exchange IPU VRU Disk FPEF OperationIPU OperationMMA Operation FPEF Maintenance - Lamp exchange - Load connector connection/disconnection
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 9 Assemble MS 1.Attach MS Core and MS Body to MWA by using handle and MWA I/F tools 2.Install MS Cassette to MS Core 3.Conduct leak check by using MS Hand Pump 4.Install MS Cassette/Core to MS Body 5.Attach Fiber Optic Cable *Adjust knob of LED/SENSOR CAL as required *Change temperature channel as required Assemble MS MS Body MS CoreMS Cassette
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 10 MS MWA I/F B MS Handle B MS Core -Crew assembles MS Handle B. -is attached to MS Core, and fixed to MWA I/F B. -has two direction of fixing to MWA I/F B. -is used to secure MS Core with MS Handle B to MWA. -is rotatable every 45 degrees. MS BodyMWA MS MWA I/F A -is used to secure MS body to MWA. - can be folded. Assemble MS (Cont’d)
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 11 Fiber Optic Cables MS Body MS Hand Pump MS Cassette -is attached to MS Cassette to depress inside of liquid bridge formation part. Engineering Model Flight Model MS Core Assemble MS (Cont’d)
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 12 Cover Knob for LED Knob for SENSOR CAL Temperature channel connector (One of three is connected) Assemble MS (Cont’d)
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) Remove FPEF Front Cover 2. Check 3-D Camera settings (diaphragm and focus) 3. Install MS into FPEF 4. Install IR Imager into operations position 5. Connect Harnesses/Hoses between FPEF and MS 6. Attach Experiment Cover Body 7. Connect FPEF Payload Bus Cable 8. Connect hoses with FPEF Silicone Filter Unit 9. Attach Experiment Cover Plate 10. Connect video cables between FPEF and IPU IR Imager MS Experiment Cover Plate Experiment Cover Body Silicon Filter interface 1553B cable pass through Experiment Cover Body Silicone Filter Unit diaphragm Install MS into FPEF focus ring spacer focus ring screw 3-D Camera setting Install MS into FPEF diameter of liquid bridge (30 or 50)
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) Connect FPEF Load Connector P12 to J12 2. Update FPEF software (Ground) 3. Disconnect FPEF Load Connector P12 FPEF Lamps FPEF Maintenance Lamp exchange 1. Remove Lamps with Lamp House Cover from FPEF 2. Separate Lamp House Cover and Lamps 3. Exchange Lamps 4. Install new Lamps with Lamp house Cover into FPEF Load connector connection/disconnection FPEF Load Connector P12 J12 Lamp House Cover
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 15 CategoryKey Point Crew Safety- Conduct leak check after assembling MS Core and MS Cassette to prevent fire during experiment. - Do NOT remove more MS protective covers than identified in each step of procedures to prevent broken glass hazard. Time Critical OperationsN/A Dos and Don’ts- Do NOT damage nor contaminate glass parts of Fiber Optic Cable, windows, cameras or mirrors. - Check the diaphragm of 3-D Camera just before installing MS into FPEF. - Do NOT rotate focus ring screw during adjusting 3-D Camera focus. Difficulty in Ops.N/A Possible Mis-Ops.- When inserting MS Cassette into MS Core, if you feel interference, do NOT push MS Cassette any more to prevent silicone oil leakage. At that time pull out MS Cassette once, and try again. Key Points during Marangoni Experiment Operations - Take care that washer is in correct position on fastener to avoid binding.
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 16 Acronyms CCD FPEF GAr IPU IR MMA MS UDC VRU Charge Coupled Device Fluid Physics Experiment Facility Gas Argon Image Processing Unit Infrared Microgravity Measurement Apparatus Marangoni Surface Utility DC/DC Converter Video Record Unit
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 17 Appendix -Lamp housing
Training Purposes Only JEM MEIS INC JMU (Ver. 1.0) 18 Lamp housing Front side FPEF Lamp House Cover FPEF Lamps Upper side Lamp 1 Lamp 2 connection point for thermostat-wire