The construction of entrepreneurial agency on farms
The course meets on Mondays from 10 a.m. untill 2 p.m. from March 15th until April 26th, 2010, at Unioninkatu 38, hall A205. ECTS credits: 5 Study units sp 54e,sp 55b or sp 61 or REMS courses. Active participation (24 h), regular readings (4-6 articles), and an essay (based on the lecturs and readings). The introductory article (Dudley: The Entrepreneurial self. Identity and morality in a Midwestern Farming community, 2003) should be read for the first lecture. The article is available for copying in the course folder to be found at Unioninkatu 37, second floor, shelf opposite room Absence policy: Extra work will be required in case of absence from more than one lecture.
Program : Introduction to the course; Social psychology of entrepreneurship Discourses of entrepreneurship; Construction of agency Entrepreneurship and farms Thematic excursions (visiting lecturers: Miira Niska 10-12, Jarkko Pyysiäinen 12-14) Thematic excursions (visiting lecturers: Soili Peltola: 10-12Hannu Vesala 12-14) Thematic excursions (visiting lecturer: Darren Halpin )
Aims of the course The course examines the cultural process of constructing agents in modern society by considering entrepreneurship discourses as evolving, but controversial, frames for experience, action and policy in working life. Social psychology of entrepreneurship and a relational conception of agency are introduced as analytical perspectives. Special attention will be paid to the ongoing change in the farm context, where the traditional model of state protected production on family farms has been seriously challenged by the trend towards more market regulated and competitive business, promoted particularly by neo-liberal politics. The course will introduce recent research on the changing patterns of farm business practices and the issues of self-identity, values and skills of farmers, and provide insights on how these issues can be related to the construction of entrepreneurial agency.
Introduction Research on entrepreneurship is multidisciplinary: economics, management studies, psychology, sociology Distinction between small business ownership and entrepreneurship (Carland et al 1983) : - dynamic process: start-up, growth, major change of the venture; - generic orientation or mode of action: innovation, risk- taking, pro-activeness, pursuit of opportunities (not only within small business!)
Task for the 22nd March Write down for yourself detailed answers to the following questions, so that you will be prepared to take part in the discussion: How, according to Perren & Jennings (2005), do governmental discourses present entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship? How do Perren & Jennings portray entrepreneurs? What is the main point that Perren & Jennings are making?
Task for 29th of March Write down for yourself detailed answers to the following questions, so that you will be prepared to take part in the discussion: What does Dudley (2003) mean by entrepreneurial self? What are the aspects and features of it? Is it the same as entrepreneurial spirit? What is the relation between farmers in Star Prairie and entrepreneurial self What is the relation between entrepreneurial self and the modern capitalistic market economy? How does entrepreneurial self connect to the restructuring of agriculture?
References Carsrud, A. L., & Johnson, R. W. (1989). Entrepreneurship: A social psychological perspective. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1(1), Perren, L., & Jennings, P. L. (2005). Goverment discourses on entrepreneurship: Issues of legitimization, subjugation, and power. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(2), Shaver, K. G. (2005). The social psychology of entrepreneurial behaviour. In Z. J. Acs, & D. B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and introduction (pp ). New York: Springer.