Becoming A Brilliant Star William G. Huitt, Ph.D. Department of Psychology & Counseling Valdosta State University
Becoming A Brilliant Star There is much discussion in education and psychology about the need to But what exactly does that mean? “develop the whole child” prepare children and youth for adult success in the 21st century
Becoming A Brilliant Star Primary points: Individual is complex, involving multiple components Context is complex and multi-layered Reciprocal determinism: relationship between individual and context is bi-directional
Becoming A Brilliant Star Character and personal style are central to development and are considered as core elements. Character The habits or patterns of thinking, feeling, willing, and behaving that relate to right and wrong, to justice and equity, and to morality
Becoming A Brilliant Star Character and personal style are central to development and are considered as core elements. Personal Style Attributes, qualities, or characteristics that describe individual differences such as temperament, personality, learning or thinking style, etc.
Becoming A Brilliant Star
Spirit Deep, significant relationships to self others nature major unknowns of the universe May or may not include relationship with a Supreme Being or Creator
Becoming A Brilliant Star Body Wellness of physical body Body composition Body functioning Cardiovascular fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility
Becoming A Brilliant Star Cognition Knowledge base Thinking/Reasoning Critical thinking Creative thinking Problem solving Intelligence Adapt to environment Modify environment Select different environment
Becoming A Brilliant Star Affect Emotional understanding Emotional Expression Empathy Facial Emotion Self-regulation Values Conscience Moods
Becoming A Brilliant Star Conation Use of personal will or volition Involves setting goals, developing plans, and putting plans into action
Becoming A Brilliant Star
Family Mate selection Spousal relationships Parenting
Becoming A Brilliant Star Friends Network of supportive relationships Establish Maintain
Becoming A Brilliant Star Work and Career Select training Job Entrepreneurship
Becoming A Brilliant Star Wealth and finances Create material wealth Maintain material wealth Stewardship
Becoming A Brilliant Star Social Make a contribution to society and culture Involvement Leadership
Becoming A Brilliant Star
Vision Dreams and goals of what is possible and desirable to do Competence The knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills that link to successful performance Character The habits or patterns of using competencies for justice and caring for self and others Model focuses attention on three critical issues facing young people today
The Ecology of Human Development
The Brilliant Star Model
Becoming A Brilliant Star Adults must develop social capital The connections and networks among individuals and social institutions that facilitate cooperative action Family, school, neighborhood, community connections especially important State, national, regional, global
Becoming A Brilliant Star Adults must develop their own human capital Continue to develop potential in core elements and domains of the Brilliant Star model
Becoming A Brilliant Star Adults must help children and youth develop their human capital No single individual or institution is totally responsible for holistic development of the next generation Every institution must accept some responsibility
Becoming A Brilliant Star W.Y.M.I.W.Y.G What You Measure Is What You Get Any construct or domain that is not consistently attended to through measurement and evaluation will decline rather than develop
Becoming A Brilliant Star Must use a variety of resources to develop knowledge base relating to methods Science Religion Philosophy History Arts
Becoming A Brilliant Star Must address multiple core elements and domains simultaneously Academic achievement and character Academic achievement and friendship Academic achievement, emotional development, and character
Summary Need new Paradigm Vision Vocabulary Methods of facilitating development Assessment and evaluation techniques
Summary Talk does not cook rice. Chinese Proverb
Resources Huitt, W. (1998). Becoming a Brilliant Star: Knowledge from the major world religions. Huitt, W. (1999). Philosophy of education: Recommended readings. Huitt, W. (2001). Becoming a Brilliant Star: Quotations from cultural/historical sources. Huitt, W. (2004a). Becoming a Brilliant Star: An introduction. Huitt, W. (2004b). Becoming a Brilliant Star: Historical exemplars. Huitt, W. (Ed). (2004c). Character education: Lesson plans. Huitt, W. (2004d). Important values for school-aged children and youth: A preliminary report. The Character Through The Arts Project: