Welcome to the first day of a six-month journey!
Six Skills We Develop in the Senior Sequence
Begin with broad questions narrow down, focus in. Operationalize.OBSERVE Analyze data. Reach conclusions. Generalize back to questions. The "hourglass" notion of research Sept. 24, 2009 OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruary Mar. 11, 2010
Required We will use the same books for 186 and 187. All books are on reserve at the Geisel Library Hunt, Andy Your research project : how to manage it. New York, NY: Routledge. Robson, Colin How to do a Research Project: A Guide for Undergraduate Students. Oxford, UK ; Madden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers. Robson, C Real world research : a resource for social scientists and practitioner- researchers (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK ; Madden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers. Yin, Robert K Case study research : design and methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Student-Mentor Research Teams Each “Research Team” has one or more designated mentors (faculty, researchers and/or professionals). Mentors are asked to: Play a facilitators role by providing intellectual guidance at the outset of the Senior Sequence (mainly in the form of a short written guide prepared in consultation with the course instructor. The guides are part of the on-line database). Meet with the student Research Team on three occasions over a six month period: once at the beginning (Oct), middle (Jan) and end (Mar) of the Senior Sequence. Help compose their student Research Team’s (a) section of the Sustainable City-Regions Reader, and (b) optional 3- 5 minute video vignette.
A Research Team is composed of 2-5 students joined together by common research interests (a Grand Challenge). In a spirit of solidarity and creative networking, each team member is responsible to participate in the following ways: 1. 1.Support one another during the six-month Senior Sequence journey: Sept 2009 to Mar (the team will function as a source of critically constructive feedback and encouragement) 2. 2.Seek mutually reinforcing opportunities to collaborate with one another on certain tasks (finding/sharing contacts, reviewing literature, selecting methods, conceptualization, etc.) 3. 3.Create a categorically organized list of readings, web sites, experts, ideas, questions, data, etc. useful for researchers in their domain of investigation (this effort will build on initial input provided by the team’s mentors) 4. 4.Produce a team contribution to the Senior Sequence class of 2010 Sustainable City-Regions Reader (the Reader is a summary of student research highlights, prepared by the mentor, to be published at the end of the Senior Sequence) 5. 5.Optional: Produce a short 3-5 minute video story about their team’s efforts and main lessons learned (technical support and equipment will be provided). What is Research Team?
The heart of the matter: Your Student Research Portfolio Supporting Databases Grand ChallengesGrand Challenges OpportunitiesOpportunities MentorsMentors Research TeamsResearch Teams
Areas of Concentration Grand Challenges Research Teams