Confirmation By: Kasey Habicht, Michelle Andruszko, Gennie Bruce, Carly Knowlton, and Laura Cavalli
The Disciples Receive the Holy Spirit The disciples were to carry on Jesus’ mission and be witnesses Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit would only come if the people believed It is called the Feast of Pentecost Pentecost is a Greek word that means fiftieth Jews thanked God and Holy Spirit came Peter proclaimed and told everyone to repent and be baptized, everyone was amazed Pentecost is a time to thank God
The laying on of hands and anointing are signs of the Holy Spirit’s Presence The Apostles baptized those who came to believe in Jesus. When the Apostles laid their hands on them, this was a powerful blessing from God. In the early days, many were anointed with chrism, which is a perfumed oil consecrated or blessed by a bishop. It also highlights the name ‘Christian’ which means anointed.
The Laying on of Hands and Anointing are Signs of the Holy spirit’s Presence Anointing soon became a special sign from the Holy Spirit. The sacrament of baptism and Confirmation usually were celebrated together so a person were be anointed with chrism twice. A priest anoints for Baptism and a Bishop anoints for Confirmation. Soon a bishop led a diocese which is a great territory of the Church. A Bishop bot always could give the anointing of Confirmation so a Priest could take that place
The Sacrament of Confirmation Completes Baptism preparation for Confirmation is very important most be in a state of grace to be fully open to its effects candidates- those preparing for Confirmation they prepare by praying, reflecting, and learning what it means to be anointed with chrism during this preparation candidates choose a name of a saint whose example they with follow and a sponsor- someone who can be involved in their preparation
The Sacrament of Confirmation Completes Baptism they are encouraged to take their baptismal names and one of their godparents as their sponsor because Confirmation is a continuation of Baptism the sponsor is very important because they present the candidates to the Bishop the entire parish also participates in preparation by praying for candidates, teaching them about our faith and more all people in the parish are called to be examples of Christian discipleship and openness to the Holy Spirit
We Are Sealed With the Gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation The sacrament of Confirmation takes place during a regular mass – 1. Pastor presents candidates to the bishop after the Scripture readings – 2. Bishop gives a homily and questions the candidates on their faith – 3. Candidates renew their baptismal promises – 4. Bishop and priest lay their hands over the candidates – 5. Each candidate is presented to the bishop by their sponsor The sponsor places their right hand on the candidate’s shoulder The bishop lays his hands on the candidates head, and traces the sign of the cross on their forehead with chrism while saying “Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit” The candidate responds “Amen”
We Are Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation We only receive confirmation once The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: – Charity- Self-control-Modesty – Peace- JoyChastity – Kindness- Patience – Generosity- Goodness – Faithfulness- Gentleness