WELCOME! July 31, 2012 ODOT District 1
2 July 31, 2012 PURPOSE OF TONIGHT’S MEETING Introduce the project –Reconstruct I-75 in Findlay –From Harrison Street to CR-99 –Add a third lane in each direction –Redesign and reconstruct the I-75/US-68 interchange Listen to your input
3 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY May IR-75 from Findlay to Perrysburg (40 miles) –Add third lane in each direction –TRAC approves preliminary development funding ($4 million) March 2011 – Project splits into two separate projects –Findlay – 5 miles (ODOT District 1) –North of Findlay – 35 miles (ODOT District 2)
4 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY Findlay Section October 2011 – First Stakeholder Meeting –Discuss purpose and need for project – Stakeholders: ODOT Representatives Public Officials Emergency Response Services Findlay Airport Business representatives
5 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY April 2012 – Construction funding is assigned for 2017 –2015 if funding becomes available. May 2012 – Second Stakeholder Meeting –Reviewed US 68/I-75 interchange designs –ODOT’s recommended design
6 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY IR-75/US-224 interchange status: –Independent project –2014 construction
7 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY – NORTH OF FINDLAY Project north of Findlay section –Mike Stormer, ODOT District 2, Planning Engineer Phone No.: (419)
8 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY – NORTH OF FINDLAY Widen IR-75 from two to three lanes in each direction From County Road 99 in Hancock County to I- 475 in Wood County Design has started: Section from SR-582 to IR-475 Mainline bridge widening. No construction money for section south of SR- 582
9 July 31, 2012 PROJECT HISTORY – NORTH OF FINDLAY Lanes will be added in the existing grass median Median will be changed from raised to depressed Cable barrier will be installed Full depth pavement reconstruction of all existing lanes and interchange ramps.
10 July 31, 2012 WHAT HAS BEEN DONE SO FAR? Environmental research and field studies Field surveys Aerial mapping Drafting and completing project-related documents
11 July 31, 2012 PROJECT OVERVIEW Proposed project to widen and reconstruct Interstate 75 From south of Harrison Street/County Road 144, which is just south of the Ohio 15/U.S. Route 68 interchange, to the County Road 99 interchange in Findlay I-75 constructed in mid 1950s, and not had a significant upgrade since 1989 Volume of traffic increased beyond what the roadway could handle.
12 July 31, 2012 PROJECT OVERVIEW Underlying pavement of I-75 in Hancock County is over 20 years old and has been extensively repaired over the past seven years Repairs have improved surface conditions Still have underlying problems of the pavement continue to worsen and will affect the surface conditions This project was initiated due to heavier traffic volumes, poor pavement, and safety concerns.
13 July 31, 2012 WHY ARE WE DOING THIS PROJECT? Improve safety on I-75 Replace failing pavement Reduce congestion
14 July 31, 2012 WHAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED? High number of crashes on I-75 and US 68/SR15 Short ramps, narrow shoulders, and sharp curves are safety hazards Poor pavement More lanes for vehicles
15 July 31, 2012 TRAFFIC ISSUES Currently, about 49,000 vehicles travel I-75 in the project corridor daily I-75 traffic is projected to increase to nearly 60,000 vehicles per day by 2036 (the Design Year) Heavy trucks make up 35 percent of traffic in the project corridor Vehicles will not be able to travel at their own desired speed
17 July 31, 2012 WHAT IS GOING TO BE DONE
18 July 31, 2012 WHAT IS GOING TO BE DONE Harrison Street Overpass will be replaced with spans to accommodate the new I-75 lanes Noise walls may be built along I-75 Reconstruct the I-75 / US 68 / SR 15 Interchange Lima Avenue will be reconstructed to Lima Avenue US 68/SR15 Will be purchasing right of way but do not know those limits at this time Preliminary Estimated Construction Costs: $128 million
19 July 31, 2012 WHAT IS NOT GOING TO BE DONE The following overpasses will not be replaced as part of this project: CR 88 – Sandusky Street SR 12 – Main Cross Street CR 95 – Bigelow Avenue CR 99
20 July 31, 2012 CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVES FOR I-75 / US 68 / SR 15 INTERCHANGE New interchange that will allow vehicles to access the highways safer and more efficiently A new connection to Lima Avenue will also be constructed 10 conceptual interchanges were designed then ODOT evaluated and picked the best three for further study –Conceptual Alternative #1 –Conceptual Alternative #2 –Conceptual Alternative #8
24 July 31, 2012 NEXT STEPS July-August 2012 – Environmental field crews collect information in the field study area August 31, 2012 – Public comment period ends and comments evaluated September 2012 – Preferred alternative announced through media press release November 2012 – Environmental studies complete
25 July 31, 2012 NEXT STEPS December Public meeting to show right of way impacts on properties and proposed locations of noise walls Beginning of ODOT begins acquiring additional right of way Spring Construction is currently scheduled to begin in 2017, pending approved funding. –If funding becomes available earlier construction could be moved up to Spring A meeting, which will be open to the public, will be held prior to the start of construction.
26 July 31, 2012