J OURNAL Are the Stormcloaks morally justified in their actions? OR What gives a group the right to take over the land of another group?
J ANUARY Objective Develop an Understanding of how Imperialism developed in Africa Europeans in Africa Today – What is imperialism Lecture from Norris Reading from Textbook Later this week/next week – You will start looking at specific countries in Africa
E UROPEAN I MPERIALISM MUTATED Aggressive expansion=New Imperialism Why? Combo of: Economic Interests Political & Military Interests Humanitarian & Religious Goals Social Darwinism
E UROPEAN I MPERIALISM Began in the Age of Exploration (1500’s) Lasted until the Industrial Revolution (1800’s) Brief Recap 1492-empires in Americas Established colonies in India & SE Asia Started gaining power/control on Africa & China Coasts Little influence on the people of China, India, & Africa
N EW I MPERIALISM -C AUSES Economic Interests Industrial Revolution Manufacturers wanted: Natural Resources-rubber, petroleum, manganese (for steel), palm oil (for machinery) Expand trade around the world Bankers wanted: To invest their profits around the world Place for expanding population Strong Economy Provide work & employment
N EW I MPERIALISM -C AUSES Political & Military Interests Steam powered merchant ships & Naval vessels Needed global bases to obtain coal & supplies Seized islands & harbors Nationalism Keep other countries from expanding “too” much “Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation” (dictionary.com) Colonies needed for “national security” Prestige Well organized governments Powerful armies & navies Maxim machine guns & repeating rifles
N EW I MPERIALISM -C AUSES Humanitarian & Religious Goals Growth of science & technology…more confidence Missionaries, doctors, & colonial officials believed it was their “duty” to spread the “blessings” of western civilizations: Medicine Law Christian religion West was modern & “enlightened” Africa & Asia were “backward” & in need of “civilization”
T HINKING AT THE TIME Origin of the Species, by Charles Darwin, was published in 1859 While Darwin’s theories were radical and not necessarily accepted as fact by everyone, one aspect grew and influenced Europeans in Africa This idea is “natural selection” What is the idea of Natural Selection?
N EW I MPERIALISM -C AUSES Social Darwinism Applied Darwin’s ideas about natural selection & survival of the fittest to people Argued that European races were superior to ALL others Imperial conquest & destruction of weaker races were nature’s way of improving the human species Europeans had medicines, such as quinine, to help treat tropical diseases
I MPERIALISM C RITICS “Tool” of the rich Immoral Democracy at home, but imposing undemocratic rule on others
C H 25: T HE N EW I MPERIALISM According to the cartoon, which European countries were fighting for a position in Africa?
A DDING TO THE N EW I MPERIALISM In addition to the success of the Europeans… Older civilizations were declining Ottoman of Middle East Mughal of India Qing of China In Africa, the following contributed to the decline in establishing empires, kingdoms, & city states: Wars Slave trade Newer African states weren’t strong enough to resist
R ESIST THE FORCE … Some Africans & Asians tried to: Some fought, despite the superiority of the Maxim gun Some tried to strengthen their societies against outsiders by reforming their traditions Muslim, Hindu, or Confucian Some western educated Africans & Asians organized nationalist movements to get rid of the imperialists from their lands
F ORMS OF I MPERIAL C ONTROL Colonies Governors, officials, & soldiers Controlled the people & set up a colonial bureaucracy (govt) Goal: rule locals & “transform” their society French-Direct Rule Sent officials from France to govern their colonies Goal: impose French culture on colonies & turn them into provinces British-Indirect Rule Used sultans, chiefs, or other local rulers as their agents to govern Encouraged children of ruling class to get an education in Britain These children could then be the rulers of their local areas
F ORMS OF I MPERIAL C ONTROL Protectorates Local ruler left in place Expected to accept the advice of European advisors on issues like trade or missionary activity Cost less to run than a colony Didn’t require a large commitment of military/navy unless there was a crisis Spheres of Influence Outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges Example: Europe-China & US-Latin America
C H 25: T HE P ARTITION OF A FRICA Political entities before the Partition
C H 27 – T HE A GE OF I MPERIALISM Read chapter 27 section 1 ( ) Take Notes in three categories: What was Africa like prior to late 1800’s, Why did Europeans develop an interest in Africa, and How did Africa change? Answer Questions 2-7
I F YOU FINISH Load the Imperialism Examples document from Norris’ website Based on your notes, what type of Imperialism is each situation