NEXT Caravel, a small, light ship with triangular sails. An Age of Explorations and Isolation, 1400–1800 Motivated by Christian faith and a desire for profit, Europeans explore distant lands,.
NEXT An Age of Explorations and Isolation, 1400–1800 SECTION 1 Europeans Explore the East MapChart
HOME Chapter Overview Seeking spices and converts, European nations lead successful voyages of exploration to the East. 19 CHAPTER An Age of Explorations and Isolation, 1400–1800
NEXT Section 1 Europeans Explore the East Know: Three Advances in sailing technology. Three reasons for Spanish Exploration. Three Spanish Explorers and their significance. Show: As groups complete a timeline and answer two questions.
The desire for profit and the hope of spreading Christianity motivate European exploration, and new technology makes it possible. The Portuguese dominate exploration until other Europeans, especially the Dutch, establish their own trading empires. Overview Assessment Key Idea Europeans Explore the East 1 HOME
MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW Driven by the desire for wealth and Christian converts, Europeans began an age of exploration. European exploration was an important step toward the global interaction that characterizes the world today. Overview Europeans Explore the East 1 Assessment Bartolomeu Dias Prince Henry Vasco da Gama Treaty of Tordesillas Dutch East India Company TERMS & NAMES HOME
NEXT For “God, Glory, and Gold” Europeans Explore the East SECTION 1
NEXT For “God, Glory, and Gold” Europeans Explore the East Early Contact Limited New desire for contact with Asia develops in Europe in early 1400s Europeans Seek New Trade Routes Search for spices and profits Search for spices and profits High demand for spices High demand for spices Italy had a monopoly on spices Italy had a monopoly on spices Other countries wanted a piece of spice trade Other countries wanted a piece of spice trade Main reason for exploration is to gain wealth Contact during Crusades spurs demand for Asian goods Muslims and Italians control trade from East to West Other European nations want to bypass these powers SECTION 1 Continued...
NEXT The Spread of Christianity Desire to spread Christianity also spurs exploration Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias wants to serve God and king Technology Makes Exploration Possible In 1400s, the caravel makes it possible to sail against wind Astrolabe makes navigation easier Magnetic compass improves tracking of direction Image Dias
Write down the answer before the question disappears. What were the three reasons for Spanish Exploration? What were three improvements made to help in Spanish Exploration?
NEXT Portugal Leads the Way SECTION 1 The Portuguese Explore Africa “The Navigator”Prince Henry, “The Navigator” the son of Portugal’s king, supports exploration In 1419, he founds navigation school on coast of Portugal By 1460, Portuguese have trading posts along west coast of Africa Never sailed unchartered waters himselfNever sailed unchartered waters himself Paid for voyagesPaid for voyages First Portuguese ship to bring back African gold and slaves First Portuguese ship to bring back African gold and slaves Plague caused serious labor shortagePlague caused serious labor shortage Brought back African slavesBrought back African slaves Portuguese Sailors Reach Asia In 1488, Dias sails around southern tip of Africa, Cape of Storms - renamed Cape of Good Hope Cape of Storms - renamed Cape of Good Hope In 1498, Vasco da Gama sails to India In 1499, da Gama returns to Portugal with Cinnamon and Pepper valuable cargo, Cinnamon and Pepper Image Interactive
Write down the answer before the question disappears. He founded navigation schools on coast of Portugal. First to sail around the southern tip of Africa First European to sail to India
NEXT Spain Also Makes Claims A Rival Power In 1492, Christopher Columbus sails for Spain Convinces Spanish to support plan to reach Asia by sailing west Queen Isabella approved planQueen Isabella approved plan 3 ships - Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria3 ships - Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria Reached island of San Salvador “Holy Savior” by Cuba, BahamasReached island of San Salvador “Holy Savior” by Cuba, Bahamas Met Arawaks “locals” - thought Americas was AsiaMet Arawaks “locals” - thought Americas was Asia Crossed 3 more times, 1493, 1498, 1502Crossed 3 more times, 1493, 1498, 1502 Launched Spain to forefront of explorationLaunched Spain to forefront of exploration Reaches the Americas instead Opens Americas to exploration and colonization Agreement formalized by Treaty of Tordesillas in Line of Demarcation In 1493, pope divides these lands between Spain and Portugal Image
NEXT Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean Portugal’s Trading Empire In 1509, Portugal defeats Muslims, takes over Indian Ocean trade In 1510, Portugal captures Goa, port city in western India In 1511, Portugal seizes Malacca, on Malay Peninsula These gains break Muslim-Italian hold on Asian trade Vasco Nunez De Balboa Crossed Isthmus of PanamaCrossed Isthmus of Panama Found Pacific OceanFound Pacific Ocean Claimed Pacific Ocean for SpainClaimed Pacific Ocean for Spain Amerigo Vespucci , Italy Explored coast of BrazilExplored coast of Brazil Described Brazil as new not AsiaDescribed Brazil as new not Asia Continent named after himContinent named after him Continued...
NEXT Line of Demarcation Divided lands that Spain and Portugal discovered by imaginary line through Atlantic OceanDivided lands that Spain and Portugal discovered by imaginary line through Atlantic Ocean Portugal claims BrazilPortugal claims Brazil Continued...