Jessica Mulford & Marisa Hawkins
Julian thought since he was the one to put the waffles on his plate, they were his because he is the only one who is important in his mind. Julian’s friends also wanted waffles, and he thought they were being selfish; regardless, he still had more waffles then them combined. Julian wanted the commercial to be ran because he wanted the attention it would bring after it was aired.
This disorder is often characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of success and power, and a need for constant attention and admiration. In other words, these people are filled with inappropriate thoughts of self-being even after minor defeat. They often exploit others selfishly.
“One theory regards NPD as a form of arrested psychological development while the other regards it as a young child's defense against psychological pain.”
“According to Kohut, the child grows out of primary narcissism through opportunities to be mirrored by (i.e., gain approval from) his or her parents and to idealize them, acquiring a more realistic sense of self and a set of personal ideals and values through these two processes. On the other hand, if the parents fail to provide appropriate opportunities for idealization and mirroring, the child remains "stuck" at a developmental stage in which his or her sense of self remains grandiose and unrealistic while at the same time he or she remains dependent on approval from others for self-esteem. “
“The mass media's preoccupation with "lifestyles of the rich and famous" rather than with ordinary or average people. Social approval of open displays of money, status, or accomplishments ("if you've got it, flaunt it") rather than modesty and self-restraint. Preference for a leadership style that emphasizes the leader's outward appearance and personality rather than his or her inner beliefs and values. The growth of large corporations and government bureaucracies that favor a managerial style based on "impression management" rather than objective measurements of performance. Social trends that encourage parents to be self-centered and to resent their children's legitimate needs. The weakening of churches, synagogues, and other religious or social institutions that traditionally helped children to see themselves as members of a community rather than as isolated individuals. “
There have been no medications that have helped with the disorder. People who have taken serotonin reuptake inhibitors have shown reinforcement in narcissistic grandiosity and lack of empathy towards others. There are several different approaches to the treatment, including therapies ranging from classical psychoanalysis to Gestalt therapy.
The word “narcissism” stems from the Greek character Narcissus who was obsessed with his own beauty to the point that he believed they weren’t worthy of him. Narcissists react angrily to criticism and when rejected they will denounce the profession which has rejected them. Dr. Gregory House, from House M.D., has a narcissistic personality.
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