The ADHD Toolkit SECTION 1 Background to the concept of ADHD 1
What is ADHD? A medical disorder diagnosed by a clinician (paediatrician or child psychiatrist) Three core symptoms: Inattentiveness Hyperactivity Impulsivity 2
To be considered for ADHD assessment: Individual displays 6 or more symptoms of inattention and/or 6 or more symptoms of hyperactivity- impulsivity Some of the 3 main symptoms present before age 7 Symptoms present for at least 6 months Symptoms occur in more than one setting (e.g. home and school) Evidence of significant impairment in social and academic functioning Symptoms not accounted for by any other mental disorder 3
The concept of ADHD Diagnosis – differences in approaches History – changes to terminology Causes – multi-factorial Prevalence – variations Coexisting problems – social, emotional, educational Prognosis – long-term outcome Interventions – medical, educational and social 4
Use of medication Types and use of medication Numbers of pupils taking medication Reported effectiveness Differing viewpoints 5
Multi-professional involvements A multi-professional approach in assessment and management of ADHD Parental and school involvements in identification and monitoring procedures Differences in attitudes and awareness 6