Water.europa.eu Questionnaire on existing priority substances WG E Chemical Aspects Brussels 21-22 October 2010 Agenda Item 5.3(a) Helen Clayton WFD Team.


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Presentation transcript:

water.europa.eu Questionnaire on existing priority substances WG E Chemical Aspects Brussels October 2010 Agenda Item 5.3(a) Helen Clayton WFD Team DG Environment European Commission

water.europa.eu EQS for total water cf dissolved water? Keep total water approach because –lower monitoring costs (11 agree, 6 tend to agree, 5 tend to disagree; 0 fully disagree) –ensures protection even if bioavailability modified (10 agree, 9 tend to agree, 2 tend to disagree; 0 fully disagree) –complies with EQS Directive (11 agree, 6 tend to agree, 4 tend to disagree; 0 fully disagree) –easier to implement wrt analytical possibilities (9 agree, 5 tend to agree, 6 tend to disagree; 2 fully disagree) Abandon total water approach because default conversion values may not be applicable (0 agree, 3 tend to agree, 12 tend to disagree; 4 fully disagree)

water.europa.eu Difficulty expected with QA/QC Directive? Largest number of MS (> 10) –PBDE, SCCPs, Endosulfan, Mercury, PAH (last two), TBT Intermediate number of MS (5-9) –Cd, Chlorpyrifos, Cyclodiene pesticides, DEHP, HCB,Nonylphenols, Octylphenols, Pentchlorobenzene Small number of MS (< 5) –Chlorfenvinphos, pp-DDT, Diuron, HCBD, HCH, Lead, Naphthalene, Pentachlorpphenol, PAH (first three), Trifluralin

water.europa.eu EU standards for sediment and biota needed? Anthracene, PBDE, Cd, SCCP, Chlorpyrifos, (Cyclodiene pesticides), pp-DDT, DEHP, Endosulfan, Fluoranthene, HCB, HCBD, HCH, Lead, Mercury, Naphthalene, Nickel, Nonylphenols, Octylphenols, Pentachlorobenzene, (Pentachlorophenol), PAHs, TBT, (Trifluralin). Slightly greater interest in sediment than in biota EQS for most of these substances.

water.europa.eu Additional EU measures needed? Substances Anthracene, PBDE, Cd, SCCPs, Chlorpyrifos, DEHP, Diuron, Endosulfan, Fluoranthene, HCB, HCBD, HCH, Isoproturon, Lead, Mercury, Naphthalene, Nickel, Nonylphenols, Octylphenols, Pentachlorobenzene, PCP, PAH Measures Improved linkages with REACH (authorisation regimes, restrictions, bans), IPPC (inc for atmospheric deposition), PPP Regulation etc; EU-level management of sediment.