Michael Phelps By Adam Livingston
What made Michael Phelps famous? Michael has the record for most gold metals won in the Olympics Michael has broken over 6 world records Michael has 22 medals in ALL In 2008 Michael has started a health foundation called the Michael Phelps foundation
Key events for Michael Phelps June 30 th, 1985 Michael was born 1994 Michael was diagnosed with ADHD Michael started swimming in 1996 Michael broke the record for winning 8 gold medals in a single meet in 2008 Michael Phelps retires in 2012
Michael Phelps True or False Question Michael Phelps, has broken more that one record Michael Phelps, has a nickname called whip lash Michael Phelps, has a nickname called the Baltimore bullet Michael Phelps as a kid, was NOT athletic True or false answer True, Michael has broken over 6 records False True, Michaels nicknamed the Baltimore bullet because he was born in Baltimore and is as fast as a bullet False, Michael was very athletic as a kid