Big Cats of Panama
Ocelot Facts Ocelots have short close fur marked with both solid and open dark spots that sometimes run in lines along .The tale is ringed with black or has black bars on the upper surface.
Ocelot Families Ocelots have one or two kittens Body Length(mm) - 550-1000 Weight (kg) - 9-14 Litter Size - 2 average Life Span - 8-11 Weight (lb) - 20-28
Ocelot foods Excellent hearing and vision help the ocelot to catch its prey of small mammals, lizards, snakes, and birds.Ocelots hunt at night with there pack mewing to each other as they circle in on there pray. They can kill larger pray such as an agouti.
Ocelots Habitats ocelots live in tropical evergreen forests, deciduous forests, and dry shrubs.
Margay The margay weight -6-8 lbs Margay The margay weight -6-8 lbs. Their habitat - tropical forest, but sometimes cocoa or coffee plantations. They have one baby after 81days. The margay hunts at night and its prey includes birds, small monkeys, tree frogs and insects, which inhabit the forest canopy.
Tiger Cat (Leopardus Tigrinus) The Little Tiger Cat is also known as the Oncilla They are small in size having an average weight of 5-6 lbs. Their prey consists of small mammals, birds and reptiles The Oncilla has a strong preference for montane cloud forest
Jaguarundi ” Otter Cat” Body Length-- 550-700 mm Weight-- 4-8 kilograms Litter Size-- 2 kittens average Life Span-- 15 years The jaguarundi is native to Central America and the northern and central countries of South America down to Argentina. Jaguarundi 1 The jaguarundi doesn’t look like any other cat, so its English common name is 'Otter Cat'. The jaguarundi is an expert catcher of fish, which it catches with its front paws. They also eat birds, which form a large part of its diet, small mammals, rodents, and reptiles.
The jaguarundi is most commonly found in habitats with good cover, such as forest edges and brushy areas. The jaguarundi can climb well and often rests in the branches of trees, but it mostly hunts on the ground. The litter size is usually between one to four and they are born after approximately 70 days. The kittens reach maturity at about 22-24 months of age.
The lives of all of these cats are threatened by… 1) general deforestation and loss of their natural habitats 2) highway accidents (they hunt at night!) 3) hunting the animals for their beautiful fur
DID YOU KNOW * In the dark, a cat's sight is six times better than a man's. * Cats are the most carnivorous of all the meat-eating animals. They are therefore at the top of the food chain and have few enemies except man. * Small cats eat by crouching over their prey, rather than lying down next to it as most big cats do. * The ocelot sleeps lying down with its forepaws stretched out in front and its head resting on them, much in the same way that a dog does. It is the only small cat that sleeps in this manner. * In 1968, North American fur traders imported a total of 129,000 ocelot pelts. * The mountain lion is the largest of the small cats.
http://ds. dial. pipex. com/agarman/bco/jundi jaguarundi info and pictures body_panama.html Excavater landscape-1 hunter
The Big Cats Allison is a 6th grader and is Home schooled Ariel will be in the 6th grade At Main School The Big Cats Melissa is a graphic artist and Resides in Carpineria Kathy works at the Carp Gas Plant for Venoco