Recovery for ME Wellness… Growing… Living! Defining… Measuring… Improving! Caring..Responsive..Well-Managed.. We are DHHS
Domain 4: Reminder Goal is to find agreement on the principles of the guidelines to create a set of guidelines for Maine. Please to comment on any of the guidelines in the document itself. When doing so please mention the specific guideline. This is a discussion among all participants– and all questions/comments/responses are welcome!
Domain 4 Recovery –Oriented Care is Effective, Equitable, and Efficient Effective Equitable Efficient
Effective Evidence-based, when available Best practice – shown to be effective in reducing symptoms and improving quality of life Matches individual needs and choices Appreciates cultural affiliations and the role of community resources in promoting and sustaining recovery
Equitable Available to all who will benefit from it Quality/effectiveness does not vary
Efficient Provided in the earlier course of illness Least restrictive, least costly, least intensive setting Doesn’t recreate services available in the broader community Data collection outcome may give more information about efficient care.
System/Agency Level Systemic barriers to recovery-oriented care are identified and addressed On-going efforts to examine funding, reimbursement, licensing and accreditation structures to identify those that promote and those that are barriers to recovery-oriented care. Flexible array of choices
Systems/Agency Level Training and staff development is prioritized as an essential function to increase competency in providing recovery-oriented care Stigma, discrimination, lack of basic resources that undermine recovery and community inclusion are identified and addressed Shift in practitioner’s role from caretaker to coach, mentor, facilitator
Practitioner Level Care addresses individuality and uniqueness, such as race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, trauma history, religious and socio-economic background, etc. Involvement of family, friends and natural supports in the assessment process is invited and welcomed.
Practitioner Level Individuals in recovery are viewed as the primary source of information for identifying barriers to recovery Recovery plans respect the fact that services and practitioners need not remain central to the person’s life over time.
Domain 4 Questions What specific changes would you suggest to the text? What is the role of evidence in determining effectiveness of a service? How are services equitable yet still remain person- centered? What does it mean to benefit from a service? To consumers? To providers? To family members? How do recovery plans relate to the ISP and to treatment plans? Any other comments?
Review dates for each Recovery-Oriented Care Domain Recovery-oriented care is safe and trustworthy Feedback during October Call-in October 19 at 11:00 am Recovery-oriented care maximizes use of natural supports and settings Feedback during November Call-in November 16 at 11:00 am
Feedback on the Domains During the monthly webinars Create local discussion groups and send in your comments Submit comments at Send written comment to: Recovery for ME OAMHS SHS #11 2 nd Floor Marquardt Building Augusta, ME 04333
Caring.. Responsive.. Well-Managed.. We are DHHS