Design Project Justin Jones, Diego Saavedra, Drew Holt, Samantha Daniell
Objective Create an eco-friendly packaging system that will protect an egg from breaking after falling two stories 10cm x 10cm box Constructed out of chosen material Insulated with chosen biodegradable material(s) Packaging performance to be determined by the condition of the dropped egg
Methods and Design Box ¼ in sheets of plywood cut into 10 cm squares Wood glue used to adhere the sides
Methods and Design – Box CAD Drawing
Methods and Design First option: Egg surrounded by tightly packed pine straw to stabilize during the fall Second option: Egg wrapped in 100% cotton for extra shock absorption Wrapped egg stabilized with pine straw
Testing Option 1: pine straw alone Unsuccessful Not enough shock absorption Option 2: pine straw + 100% cotton Successful Cotton provided the shock absorption lacking in Option 1
Life Cycle Analysis Egg companies typically use polystyrene foam to ship eggs Wind up in landfills Pine straw is organic material (biodegradable) Can be reused multiple times for shipping Can be repurposed for landscaping Cotton is organic material (biodegradable) Can get 100% cotton from textile factories that have waste (repurposing!) Can be reused multiple times for shipping Can be repurposed by textile waste companies like Leigh
Cost Analysis We had the materials on hand, no cost to us A shipping company would not be so fortunate Textile waste can be donated to a shipping company Pine straw costs ~$60 per 100 square feet Each egg allowed 10 cm x 10 cm space $60 of pine straw would ship ~930 eggs Polystyrene foam can costs $2.75 per 25 eggs To ship 930 eggs would cost $100 ($40 more than our pine straw/textile alternative)
The End