EXAMINING AND EVALUATING REFERENCES SOURCES Determine the need, then devise an effective strategy to locate the information before evaluating and prescribing a reference source
Search Strategies Start broadly, break into parts, then narrow search Consider the most appropriate types of resources to consult Use the right keywords and subject headings for the resources you choose Know how to use the reference resources! Get the information in the best format If necessary, refer to an expert on the subject
Search Strategies and Answers Patron’s Reference Sources - the best place to start your search may be with the patron's original source. Subjects and Terms - successful search strategies require a knowledge of subject terms. Indexing - indexes are guides to the resources in your library and other libraries. Look It Up! - do the search, verify the answer, and cite your sources.
Search Strategies & Answers Accuracy and Currency - be sure that the information you are giving out is correct and current. Asking Experts - what do you do when an answer isn't in the library's collection? Information & Referral Services - patrons often have needs that books alone will not meet. Keeping Track - for every reference transaction, list the resources used. Inform Patrons - an important part of the search is keeping the patron informed as you work.
Evaluating Web Resources What can the URL tell you? Is it from an.edu,.org, or.gov site, or is it somebody's personal page? Scan the perimeter of the page, looking for links to About, Background, etc. Look for last update. Look for indicators of quality information, i.e. who is responsible for the content of the page and are sources documented? Are links well-chosen and organized? What do others say? Look the page up in a reputable directory that evaluates its contents (e.g. Librarians' Index, Infomine, About.com)
Examining Print Resource or Book Examination Checklist Author Title Volume Edition Series Place of Publication Publisher's Name Date of Publication Foreword or Preface Introduction or Instructions for Use Table of Contents Text Appendix Glossary Index
Evaluating Web Sites – Ohio State University
ALA Web Site Selection Guide
ALA Professional Ethics We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources. We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted. We recognize and respect intellectual property rights. We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairness and good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguard the rights and welfare of all employees of our institutions. We do not advance private interests at the expense of library users, colleagues, or our employing institutions. We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources. We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professional development of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations of potential members of the profession.
PRC Code of Ethics for Professional Librarians