Welcome to TEAMS Mid-Year Training
Workshop Goals 1.Identify and share successes with TEAMS implementation 2.Identify and problem solve concerns with TEAMS implementation 3.Review Essential Components of TEAMS model 4.Plan toward 2 nd semester Slide 1
Slide 2 First Year Indicators of Success Interdisciplinary Connections Computer Literacy Student Involvement, Initiative and Empowerment Supportive Classroom Ambiance Multi-dimensional Learning Opportunities Positive Student and Parent Attitudes Steady Academic Achievement
Common First Year TEAMS Concerns Grades and Assessment Curriculum Classroom Management Lesson Planning Professionalism Other Slide 3
TEAMS Essential Components 1.Teachers and the principal participate in specialized training. 2. Students are trained in TEAMS management techniques. Slide 4
4. Teacher strands use structured meetings to facilitate collaboration. 3. Grade level teachers form interdisciplinary strands with a common core of students. Slide 5
5. Teachers observe students in other TEAMS classrooms. 6. Teachers use the TEAMS Planning Guides to plan lessons. Slide 6
7. Teachers ensure that stations are open frequently and accessible to all students. 8. Teachers use varied assessment techniques. 9. Students set and access unit goals. 10. Students are responsible for materials and equipment. Slide 7
11. Students have frequent opportunities to work in cooperative groups. 12. Students know how to get help. 13. The classroom ambiance is supportive, equitable and risk-free. Slide 8
14. Students work at a variety of learning stations. 15. Learning station activities are clearly defined and appropriate. 16. Students use TEAMS Work Logs and Task Cards. Slide 9
18. There is adequate time for collaborative planning and instructional time is maximized. 19. Students have frequent and equitable access to technology. 20. Parents are kept informed and provide input on a regular basis. 17. The principal provides leadership and support. Slide 10
Using Technology Slide 11
More on the site Slide 12
Thank you TEAMS teachers! You’re one step closer to your TEAMS certification! See you for your final site visit in the spring. Contact your consultant and/or ISI with any questions. 1●800●940●6985 Diana Paulson, TEAMS Coordinator Slide 13