Early People of the Aegean
Theseus and the Minotaur
Mycenaean Civilizations
Minoan Civilization Crete Birthplace of Zeus “First Europeans”
Minoan Civilization 1750-1500 BC Named after Minos the legendary king Palace at Knossos Maritime culture Traded with Spain, Egypt, Canaan Asia Minor Fishing Farming Art
Is this King Minos’ Throne?
Minoan Culture Egalitarian Men and Women held respected positions in religion, agriculture and craftwork Music and song Bull-leaping Boxing Lack of fortresses, war equipment, battle scenes
Minoan Metalwork Worked with both bronze and gold Decorative and functional
Prince with the Lillies Palace at Knossos Prince with the Lillies
Minoan Fisherman & Dolphin
Minoan Fleet
Minoan Women
Minoan Bull Leaping
Minoan Civilization Disappears 1400 BC Vanished Volcanic eruption Earthquake Tidal wave Invaders Atlantis?
Minoan Artifact: Pendant of Bees Metalworkers used both bronze and gold Jewelry Tools
Minoan Palaces Government Community Multistoried Interior and exterior staircases Light wells Massive columns courtyards Weapons storage
Minoan Artifact : Palace Centers of the community No locks, bolts, or protective outside walls Large rambling collections of rooms Workshops
Minoan Pottery Made by hand or on a wheel Red & white glazes yellow, green
Minoan Religion Peaceful Mother Goddess Carried figurines in processions Sacred symbols; lion, bull, snake
Minoan Water Management bathtubs decorated with colorful tiles Primitive showers Flush toilets Fountains in bedrooms for cooling
Samples of Minoan Linear pictograms and script
The Phoenicians Spread Trade and Civilization Wealthy city-state in eastern Mediterranean Skilled shipbuilders, seafarers; sailed around continent of Africa Set up colonies Famous for red-purple dye from Murex snail
Tyrian Purple purple-red dye made from mucus of Murex shell used as a fabric dye very expensive color became associated with power & wealth
What was the Great Legacy of the Phoenicians? Developed system of writing to record trade deals developed into western alphabet
Phoenicians wanted metals Ancient Trade Routes Phoenicians wanted metals traded finished manufacture items for Iberian silver
Mycenae 2700 BCE Ancient Greek Myths originated here Homer used them in his writings Spoke early form of Greek Agriculture based on grains, grapes, olives Traded with Egypt Asia Minor
Mycenaean Culture Strong military culture Circular royal tombs Decorated uniforms, elaborate helmets Chariots, Daggers Axes Horses Vehicles of war Society was hierarchical Kings and soldiers at the top Prisoners of war were slaves No recreation/entertainment Only religious festival
Mycenaean Soldiers on a Vase
Mycenaean weapons Bronze smiths worked only with bronze Goldsmiths worked only with gold Weapons Buried gold objects with kings and nobles in tombs
Mycenae palace Centers of government & defense Surrounded by high walls Orderly rows of various rooms
Mycenaean Pottery Created pottery by hand Functional Goblet was used for celebrations and religious rituals
Mycenaean Religion Worshipped an Earth Goddess who protected warriors Bathed and prayed in palace sanctuaries
Mycenaean Water Management Bathtubs set into the walls and fixed to the floor Bathrooms had tilted floors to drain excess water
Mycenaean Palace Highly structured Orderly rows of rooms High stone walls for defense
Mycenae Written Language Linear B has been deciphered. made up of characters, which resemble letters, and ideograms, which represent ideas.